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Pinto leaned over to me once I sat down, and Inkling turned his back on us once again.

"Why were you late?" He whispered. I only smirked and opened my backpack a little wider. After just a little coaxing, Tomminow peeked out and waved at him sweetly. His whole face lit up with the biggest smile I've ever seen someone have in Inkling's class.

"Hi, baby." He cooed to her softly and reached into my backpack to caress her sweet little head, "Are you joining our class?"

"No talking please." Inkling reprimanded. We both immediately shut up and started taking notes on the Magna Carta. I wrote everything down, but my head wasn't in it. Instead, it was on the little angel in my backpack.

Suddenly, I remembered; I had to get her to the Sick Bay for her check-up! How was I supposed to get her to the Sick Bay under Inkling's nose? This was a bad idea, but in my defense, Tomminow was far too cute to say no to.

There was only one way to get out of Inkling's class. He didn't have a pencil sharpener in the library, so if you broke yours, there was a sharpener down the hallway in the lab. All I had to do was break my pencil, and I'd get Tomminow back where she belonged. Only problem; I couldn't. I don't know what it was with this pencil, but I couldn't break it, I'd tried pressing it so hard onto my paper that little gray dribbles began to form, and pushing the end onto my desk so hard it made an indent, and even trying to snap it with my paws, but nothing worked.

Pinto leaned over the aisle and reached out his flipper for the pencil. He struggled for a while to break it, beak scrunched in concentration until a loud crack was heard, and he swiftly threw the pieces of the pencil back to me. Inkling's head snapped around to catch me, a broken pencil clutched in my paw, and cried out in alarm,

"Oh my! Jane, what in this ocean are you doing, my child!?" My mind was racing to think of an excuse, but none came.

"Oh, never mind that, dear. Just go get a new pencil and be quick about it!" I lifted up my backpack and he quickly stopped me.

"You don't need the backpack, sweetheart." He told me. I had to get Tomminow out somehow in a manner that was NOT lifting her out of the backpack and holding her little flipper as I walked her down to the Sick Bay. Suddenly, an idea hit me with the force of a train wreck.

"Actually, I'd like to bring a few extra spares with me, and I'm taking the bacpack with me so I can put them right in and not lose them somehow." It was flawed logic, but he fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
"Ah, very well then, look who's beginning to think like their sisters, not that you have a bad mind, but it is better to be organized."

"Saukerl" I grumbled. The course of action that was favored by my mind in this moment was to kick him in his Octo-nuts (hehehe rude pun) but I settled on a German cuss word a relative taught me. I had made it my life's goal to never be like my sisters years ago when I realized no matter how well I did, I'd never be as good as them. I hoisted my backpack gently onto my shoulders and left with my heart pounding in my ears. Once we got near to the Sick Bay, I gingerly sat the backpack onto the ground and lifted Tomminow out with a whooshing sound. Her laughter, like a little bell, rang out as she wrapped her flippers around me.

"Alright, time for your checkup." I said, nudging her in the direction of the Sick Bay. She gasped and turned right back to me, wrapping her flippers tightly around me.

"No wanna." She whimpered, burying her face into my shirt. The easiest thing to do would be not let her get the checkup, but it was for Tomminow's good.

"Why not?" I asked her, rubbing her back in gentle circles.

"Ouchy." She mumbled, hugging me even tighter.

"Oh no, it doesn't hurt." I told her, "Peso won't hurt you, and you get stickers." I knew her weak spot.

"Shotta?" She asked, her eyes wide and her bottom lip beginning to tremble.

"If you get a shot, it only hurts for a little bit, then it goes away." I reassured her, "Peso's gonna give you an extra sticker for being so brave as well as a pretty bandage. Would you like that?" She chirped happily, let go of me, and turned toward the Sick Bay, but immediately turned back to me.

"Jane come." She said, tugging me in the direction of the Sick Bay.

"No, I can't." Saying 'no' to the Vegimals is nearly impossible, "I have to go back to Inkling's class." I only half gave in to her this time and walked her to the Sick Bay door. Once we reached the door, I relinquished my hold on her, and she turned around to face me. Her big pleading eyes turned on me one last time, and she collided into my legs.

"Wuv you." She chirped, and my heart melted.

"I love you too, baby girl."

A/N- I will be paying the medical bills of anyone who has had a cuteness overload. I apologize.

The Odd Sister Outजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें