Walking Through the Air, Sort Of

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We ran as fast as we could toward the gate, nearly tripping over each other's feet as we made a mad, crazed dash toward the flight attendant at the desk by the gate. Tweak slammed our tickets down onto the desk, the flight attendant nodded, and we all ran into the plane.
"Anyone else boarding flight 320 to Venice, Italy?" She asked, slightly amused. We ran into the plane, and found our seats beside our Octopod family.  But the second we found our seats, problems arose. We all had no idea who was to sit where, who's turn it was to watch us kids and Vegimals, and we were just a mess. I looked around, and tried to keep track of what was going on. Dashi, Peso, and the Captain seemed to be the only ones who were keeping their heads in this disaster. Kwazii was fighting with Shellington on who had to watch us, Inkling was trying to calmly tell Tweak not to beat Kwazii's head in. In the end, we decided that Kwazii would watch us, and would have to sit with Peso directly behind us. After waiting for takeoff for about 15 mins, Kwazii got bored, and started teasing us to amuse both us and himself. After a while, we started playing "Chicken", which is basically a daring game where you have to make someone do something crazy. 
"Ya know saying "bomb" on a plane is illegal," Squirt began, a shrewd smile growing across his face, "Kwazii, I dare you to say "bomb" as loud as you can!"
"I accept." Kwazii said, unfazed by this dare, "BOMB" He hollered. The whole plane seemed to grow silent.
"Sir, you're going to have to come with me." A security guard said, fighting his way toward Kwazii. Kwazii calmly followed after him, giving us a thumbs out on the way out. After a while, the pilot's voice came over the loudspeaker. 
"Attention all passengers, the flight will be delayed for another hour because of a passenger evaluation, we apologize for the inconvenience." Everybody groaned. 
"Smooth move, Squirt," Koshi said sarcastically.
"Hey! I didn't think he'd actually do it!" Squirt cried defensively.
"It's Kwazii, what did you expect?" I asked.
"Please, stop fighting." Peso came up to us, "If you keep doing it, I'll have to split you up."
"Fine by us!" Koshi said. And we were sent to sit with our guardians. After they brought Kwazii back, looking rather grumpy, he was forced to sit by Tweak, who didn't look one bit happy about the arrangement. And we took off, but during takeoff, I noticed that the Professor didn't look too well, and Shellington did as well. 
"Professor?" He asked, reaching a comforting paw out, "Are you-" And he threw up all over Shellington's foot. We all recoiled in disgust, but Shellington was frozen in shock, and Inkling was apologizing profusely and trying to clean it up. The Vegimals chirped, grabbed a napkin and barf-bag each, and went to clean it up. And after they were done, they patted Shellington's foot and chattered happily. At this point, Squirt, who was sitting on Inkling's other side, wanted to sit someone else, so he calmly asked his uncle to sit somewhere else. Inkling agreed, and we all stood up and tried to figure out who sat where. We finally agreed on having Shellington sit with the Vegimals, Inkling sit in the aisle seat beside Peso and the Captain, Dashi would sit with 2 random strangers, and Pinto would sit by Kwazii and Tweak. The problem with this arrangement? Tweak and Kwazii would NOT STOP FIGHTING. After a while, Dashi and the Captain got sick of it, and they insisted that they switch seats with them. Tweak was now right in front of me, and for the rest of the flight, everything went well, which I was surprised about, since it was 18 and a half hours long. On the flight, almost no one slept, seeing as how there was an entertainment device to play whatever you wanted. You could even play Plants vs. Zombies on it, and Pinto and I were on level 43 by the time we landed, and Tweak seemed to be happy about having 2 more late night gaming buddies. But we weren't too good at the game yet. When we landed, we trudged off of the plane tiredly, it was around one or two in the morning in Australia, but it was 9 or 10 in the morning here. When we got off of the plane and went to the customs line, the Vegimals got sleepy, and wanted to be carried. There were 12 of them, so it wasn't easy. The captain picked up 2 of them, put one on his back, and cradled the other one in his arms. We all followed suit. I held Pikato, his arms looped around my neck, and he yawned tiredly. After standing in line for hours, it felt like, we were finally in front of the customs desk. The Captain yawned and stretched in tiredness, and gave the man at the desk our passports. After looking over them, he pointed us in the direction of the baggage claim and pickup. After retrieving our bags, we slowly made our way to the pickup area. We were exhausted, and loaded down with heavy bags and not so heavy Vegimals. 
"How-" Peso's words were cut off by a yawn, "How are we going to wherever we're staying?"
"One of my old friends will be picking us up, Peso." Professor Inkling replied, not seeming a bit tired, "All of you just relax, this is my treat to you."
"If we relax, we'll fall asleep on our feet." I pointed out.
"Yes, that's true," He chuckled, "You all should've taken a little nap like I have!"
"Little nap!?" Squirt asked tiredly, "Uncle Inkling, you slept the whole time!" A huge bus pulled up to the sidewalk, and a badger stepped off the steps, and ran to hug Professor Inkling.
"Professor, it's wonderful to see you again!" She said in perfect English, she didn't even have an accent.
"Oh, Bella, it is wonderful to see you!" He cried happily and hugged her back, "Everyone, this is Bella Bagerio, I mentored her for years." We all greeted her tiredly. The professor laughed,
"You'll get a much more enthusiastic welcome from them when they're less jet-lagged, my dear." She smiled kindly, and said, 
"Oh no, I'll take the bags, you've had a long and tiring journey, please, sit down." I stumbled tiredly into the bus, sat beside Koshi, and was asleep before the engines even started.

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