Braving Out the Storm

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I was sitting in Peso's office, knocking my heels against the exam table as Peso and Dashi spoke in hushed whispers in the other room. I've been here for what, an hour or so to get an ADHD test. I was told to bring my old report cards, and a sample of my schoolwork so Peso could send them to a specialist. After a while, Peso and Dashi came back into the room. 
"Well Jane," Peso began gently. I knew that tone, grown-ups use it whenever they wanna tell you bad news. "From what Dashi's told me, you've had this problem for as long as she can remember, and you seem to have most of the symptoms of ADHD. So I'm going to consider a CT scan to see if there might be something bigger going on, maybe a blood test too, and you seemed to pass both the last vision and the last hearing test you took."
"The only tests I'll ever pass." I muttered under my breath.
"We'll take the blood test tomorrow, and maybe I'll try to schedule a CT or a MRI scan soon. Is that O.K. with you, Jane?"
"Yeah, that's O.K." I replied. I hated shots, and I didn't know what the blood test was be like, so I was terrified.
"Alright then, time for your interview. I've already finished with your teachers, Dashi, and Koshi, among others that know you well. First question, what exactly are your symptoms?" 
The ship shuddered and rocked from side to side, nearly spilling the entire crew onto the floor. I grabbed onto the table but my paws slipped, and I slid across the floor. Lightning flashed up above, and the Octopod was being thrown from side to side like a leaf in the wind. 
"Captain," Dashi stammered, "I-I think we just flew into a hurricane!" Captain Barnacles seemed to be the only one who wasn't completely panicked. 
"Everyone, take cover! Fast!" He ordered, practically dragging Dashi and Peso under the control desk. Pinto, Koshi and I looked around, bewildered. But it looked like it wasn't Squirt's first rodeo, he ducked under the table, and flattened himself to the floor as best as possible.
"Children-woahhh-copy Squirt, quickly! Get under the table and flatten yourself to the ground!" Professor Inkling called out, ushering us under the table. "Jane, Pinto, come over here at once!" he called out to me and Pinto, who were clinging on to a shelf on the opposite side of the room. We tried to make our way to him, but with the combination of the ship rocking back and forth and the Vegimals rolling around left and right, becoming minuscule trip hazards, Pinto slid toward the back of the room, we both inevitably fell. Hard. Pinto slid toward the back of the room, while I smashed onto the floor. I picked my torso off the ground, as a stab of pain shot through my ribs. I winced, crawling toward the table, Professor Inkling and Shellington were already heading toward us. As Pinto started sliding toward me again, Professor Inkling managed to get ahold of both of us, and gently slide us toward the table. After hours of listening to the wind, the rain, I felt something wet slosh around my legs.
"Um, Tweak?" Koshi asked, "Why's water coming in?"
"Oh no." Tweak said, her ears twisting up, "The water must be comin' in from the Octohatch, who left it open?" Kwazii looked up sheepishly from under the control desk. Everyone sighed. "It's too dangerous to go down now, we need to wait till the eye of the storm." Tweak said, "We might need to wait a while." And so the ship continued to shake and shudder, so much I was sure it would tip over. My limbs ached from being tucked tight together for so long, and my ribs were screaming in pain. Until it finally stopped. I crawled out from under the table, and winced as pain shot through my ribs.
"Jane Doxter, come back under the table at once!"Inkling cried,  grabbing me gently, and sliding me under the table, "It's dangerous, my child, we're only in the eye of the storm. We'll need to wait a little longer until the whole storm has passed." And the second part of the storm was way worse than the first. In fact, I was sure a part of the Octopod broke itself off, it was that loud. After a long, long, long time, the storm finally passed, and everything was still.
"One at a time please, everyone out." Professor Inkling said, ushering us out. "Is anyone hurt? Raise your hand if you're hurt!" Pinto was clutching the side of his head, and Koshi had bruises up and down her legs. Mostly everyone raised their hands. Peso made his way toward us, he seemed mostly unhurt. He got out his medic kit, brought out some ice, and placed it gently on my ribs, Pinto's head, and Koshi's legs, and brought us to the sick bay. We were there for quite some time, because when we were done, it was past midnight. But I wasn't tired, I was still buzzing with adrenaline cos of the hurricane. But as I lay in bed, my ribs still aching a little, my brain rushing from one thing to another, my brain touched on the Octonauts, the nicest people in the world, this was home. 

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