How Our World Collapsed

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Hi, my name is Janine Margot Doxter, or Jane for short. I'm 9 years old. I have 2 older sisters, Dashi, who's 19, and Koshi, who's 10. I know that it's kind of a big age gap, but my parents just couldn't make up their minds whether they wanted another kid or not. Dashi and Koshi are as close as sisters can be. They look alike, they think alike, they act alike. Everybody thinks they should've been born as twins. And me? I'm the odd one out. 

Dashi and Koshi have light brown fur and hair like my father, and dark, brown eyes like my mother. I have darker fur and hair and blue eyes. Dashi and Koshi love Donna Doxy, I can barely sit still through a book. They love photography and mysteries, I like sports and drawing. They always get straight As and good behavior records. Me? I have a C average and get detention almost every other day. All my parents ever hear from my teachers is, "Jane is very intelligent, she just needs to apply herself." And I'm sick of it, I don't need to "apply myself" I'm just dumb and can't focus. But despite this, my parents loved me, and everything was O.K., until the accident. 


The day of the accident started just like any other. Koshi and I got up, brushed our teeth, dressed, had breakfast, kissed our parents goodbye and went to school. When we got home, things started getting strange. My parents left a note saying that my uncle Mike needed their help, and that Koshi was in charge of me.
"Huh, mom's writing's usually really neat, but the handwriting on her note is a mess;" Koshi told me, "It looks like they were in a rush." 
"Uncle Mike's probably in trouble again." I replied, "BIG trouble this time. Mom and Dad usually leave us with a babysitter. " Things got even weirder from there. They didn't come home for hours. And by dinnertime, we got more and more worried. We tried to call them, but no one answered. We must've called a dozen people, and we still didn't know where our parents were. But Koshi had some idea on what happened. Uncle Mike must've gotten arrested, and then our parents must've went to pick him up. At around midnight, we got "the call". Koshi and I had fallen asleep on the couch, and we immediately jumped up and ran to the phone. It was my uncle Pete.
"Hello, Koshi? Jane? I'm sorry, while your parents were driving home, they-they got into an accident. We're in the hospital right now. Your aunt's coming to pick you guys up now."
And that's how our world collapsed. 

A/N- I made up a last name for the girls cos I couldn't find a good one online, plz give me feedback, thank you! Also, this story's kinda gonna be like an Outsiders type story.

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