Two Things I Can't Do

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Number 1- Keep my temper:

I knew I had a quick temper and a quicker mouth. It had always gotten me into trouble in school, but nothing ever changed it. One day when Peso invited me and Koshi to help out with papers in his penguin choir, it struck again.

One girl in the choir had been bothering Pinto for a while, and I'd always given her hints to buzz off and leave him the hell alone, and she hated me for it. I'd always tried to ignore her, but this time wasn't like that. This time, I'd spat in the face of sensibility and gave a big "f- you" to patience.

It was the end of the class, but she wasn't even close to being done.

"Hey, you!" She called towards me, but I just kept walking away from her. If I couldn't hear her, then she didn't bother me, even though I burned to punch her in her big ugly face.

"She has a name, you know, estupida!" I recognized the voice of one of Pinto's friends. Massa, I think his name was? But bless his heart, his words had no effect on her. At this point, the 'don't acknowledge her existence" rule failed me, and I spun around.

"What the hell do you want?!" I asked her impatiently.

"Ah, ah, ah!" She smirked, "My mother told me that penguins are far smarter than dogs, and I was just wondering if it was the same thing your mutt of a mother told you cos it's true!" My chest burned in anger. It was one thing to insult me, another to insult my mother. It was as sensitive a spot as a boy's crotch was. My mother had loved me more than anyone ever could. I loved Dashi and all, but it wasn't the same as having my mom and dad.

My uncle Mike had taught me: When someone hits a sensitive spot, cover it up by hitting back doubly as hard, and that's exactly what I'd tried to do.

"Funny how you can tell." The venom was dripping from my voice and burning holes in the ground, "Your head's stuck so far up your ass that they're practically one thing. I'm surprised you can even tell the difference between a dog and a penguin, arschkopf!" And it was quite interesting to see the shades of red a penguin could turn. The black and white myth is now officially confirmed BS! Hahaha... This is not going to end well.

Number 2- Not give Dashi a headache:

"Jane, not this again!" Dashi was sitting on her bed rubbing her temples with her lips in a tight line that held back the torrent of shouting she probably wanted to unleash on me.

"But she insulted mom." I protested, rather weakly, knowing that she'd never let me off the hook, even for that. Contrary to my expectations, she knelt down beside me and cupped my face in her hands.

"I know it must've been hard for you to hear that, and I wish I had your nerve, but you cannot say that Jane, ever, verstehst du?" 'Do you understand?"

"Yes, Dashi." I answered as she pulled me tight to her, "Es tut mir leid." 'I'm sorry."

"No need to be, baby girl." I heard her whisper, "No need to be."

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