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I trudged towards Inkling's classroom, trying to find any reason necessary to stop. As I passed the kitchen, Tomminow was just coming out. I don't know why, but after she caught sight of me, I began to hear the waddling of little flippers and happy chattering from behind me. This was wasn't going to end well, or it wasn't. I turned around. Tomminow was right behind me, smiling innocently. I slowly walked back a few steps. She, with her sweet happy little smile followed, waddling twice as many times as I stepped to catch up.

"Can I help you? I was filled with some kind of happy confusion. She just beamed like the little ray of sunshine she was, and raised her little flippers. There was no way I could say no, so I just scooped her up in my arms and swung her around. She giggled and wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"Jane!" She called, and started pointing in the direction I was about to go in and babbled happily about something. I, of course, had no idea what she wanted, and if she came to me for something, then going to Shellington probably wasn't the smartest idea.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, and she began to do her sweet little mime, a cute little dance with facial expressions to go along.

She first pretended to be writing with the greatest concentration imaginable, her sweet pink little tongue stuck out and above her lip, just like she'd seen Tweak do. Then, she plopped down on the ground with both of her legs split apart, and pretended to lecture. There was no doubt in my mind who that was supposed to be.

"You want to come to Inkling's class with me?" I asked skeptically. No creature in their right mind would ask to be in Inkling's class. Then again, the Vegimals were the sweetest, happiest, most loving little creatures in the universe.

"Cheepa! Cheepa!" She bounced up and down in pure angelic joy, and wrapped her tiny little flippers around my almost equally tiny knees, smiling up at me happily.

"But don't you have a check-up today?" I asked the sweet little sprout I was bouncing up and down in my arms. She just put her flipper to her lips and went,

"Shh!" and I immediately had no chance.

"Alright, we gotta be quick, OK?" she nodded sweetly and snuggled my cheat happily.

If it was anyone else BUT the Vegimals who'd asked me, they would've been subjected to a whirlwind of questions about their intelligence and sanity. But this was the Vegimals, the cutest little bundles of joy the world has ever seen; how could I say no? And besides, even if it was a yes, Inkling would say no, and I wouldn't have any way to sneak her in except-

The idea hit me like a punch to the gut. It wasn't by any means a good idea, but it just might work. I bent down to her and whispered,

"Do you wanna play hide and seek?" I asked, and she nodded enthusiastically and bounced up and down with the sweetest most precious smile anyone's ever seen lighting up her cute little face.

"Alright then!" I made a big show of opening my backpack, "Well step inside, young lady!" And did a huge bow, just for her entertainment. She giggled and hopped into my backpack.

"Shh!" I put my paw up to my lips, signaling she needed to be quiet.

"Shh!" She whispered back, putting her flipper to her mouth, making one of the cutest imitations I've ever seen. I carefully zipped the bag partially closed, leaving her an air hole, and cautiously slung it over my shoulders.

"Are you OK in there?" I whispered to her, and got a cheerful little "cheepa!" in response. We were already running late for Inkling's class, so I ran as fast as I could without hurting Tomminow in my bag, careful not to bump into walls and such. I could hear her giggling and her little "whee" as I slipped into Inkling's classroom as inconspicuously as I could. Obviously, Inkling still caught me.

"Jane my child, quickly, sit down darling; We've already began." He gestured toward the seat beside Pinto's.

"Sorry Professor, I-" I tried to think of an excuse.

"Never mind that, dear, there is learning to be done." Replace learning with "endless boredom", and it'd be slightly more accurate. I just sat down by Pinto, took my backpack off, and made sure to gently lower it onto the ground. Well, we
got away with it. For now.

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