In Trouble Again. Naturally.

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"Bet you can't catch me!" Pinto called out to Kwazii, who was watching us for now. Kwazii never "watched" us, he either read a book, or played with us, he was like a big kid himself, and Pinto loved it. It seemed as though the adults knew that Squirt and I had become friends, because we were always given tasks with each other. That day, after Squirt and I finished making food with the Vegimals, Pinto and Kwazii asked us if we wanted to play a game of dodgeball in the Launch Bay, since Tweak was out on a mission with Dashi, and wasn't there to shoo us out. After playing for a while, Pinto threw the ball with a little too much force, I ducked, and then I heard a smashing sound. He had smashed the Gup C's window. My insides tightened with dread, I knew what happened without having to look. The atmosphere instantly changed as a cry of shock pierced the room, Tweak was back. 

"Who-who did this?" She demanded, my blood turned to ice, but a fire burned through me. 
"I did it!" I cried out, Pinto looked shocked. "I was aiming it at Kwazii, and I over shot it a bit, I'm sorry." She glared at me.

"Jane!" Dashi sighed exasperatedly, "Not again, we've already had to explain to the neighbors dozens of times that it was you, and not a criminal that broke their window with a baseball." 

"Well, Jane, you better get ready, cos you're gonna be the one fixin' the window." Tweak muttered. Pinto, Squirt, and Kwazii looked at me apologetically. From that day on, the Octonauts all had a name for us, the Three Troubleteers, and soon,  they had paired us up, Koshi and Squirt, the "Big Pair" and Pinto and I, the "Little Pair", which made sense, Koshi and Squirt had a lot in common, they were both 10, they both were sticklers for the rules, and they both were the "group mom" type. Pinto and I were a year apart. He was 8 and I was 9, but we still had a lot in common. We were both daredevils, and we both were restless. With 2 friends who would walk through Hell for me, some news of my parents good progress, and the most amazing sister in the world to look after me, I felt as though nothing could get me down now. Not even the Social Services investigations looming ahead. 
I take back what I said earlier, it turns out Social Services can get everyone living in the Octopod down. They decided  to go out on a limb and say that the Octopod needed a few "minor adjustments." For one thing, Koshi, Squirt, Pinto and I needed an education, Shellington's lab was considered a "potential biohazard", the Launch Bay was a "drowning hazard," (Tweak's face was priceless.) They also interviewed us about things like the discipline we receive and how well we're being taken care of, and when we'd finished, Koshi asked for us to huddle. 
"What did they ask you?"
"Stuff" We all replied in unison.
"No, like specific questions." 
"They asked me what kind of discipline we get." Pinto replied, Squirt and I murmured in agreement. 
"Do they think we're being hit? I mean, if they find a reason to take us away, they might do just that. I was told that they usually don't ask questions unless people think there's abuse going on." Koshi whispered in fear. We all gasped, I didn't want to leave the Octopod, the only place for me and Koshi to go would be a Foster Home. I knew for a fact that Squirt was sent here because his home was destroyed, and he had nowhere else to go. And then Pinto spoke what we all had on our minds. 
"Where will we go then?" We all shook our heads, unsure and lost. 

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