Londoner Life

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"C'mon," Bella said warmly, "There are too many places I want to show you." We all crowded into the bus, finally happy that all that chaos was over. Bubbles of joy grew in my heart as the bus started roaring to life. We were with Bella again, and as I looked around to see Bella conversing happily with Koshi, I realized that she was the perfect member of our Octopod family. Anyone who could get Koshi to talk to them comfortably was either an psychological genius or the nicest person on Earth. We all laughed and talked for the entire bus ride, despite our exhaustion. Bella stopped at a stately looking restaurant, and let us all off. We walked inside, and the host's face was priceless once he realized that he had to seat 24 creatures.
"Good evening ma'am!" He bowed to Bella, "H-how many tables?" He gestured to the literal mob standing behind her.
"There are 24 of us." She told him, "We would prefer to sit together, but if that doesn't work, we can sit apart."
"Oh, there will be no need for that ma'am." He said, still shell-shocked by the number of people he had to seat, "We'll try to accommodate you as best as we can." He led us to the back of the restaurant, where a couple large tables that could seat 6 were. The Captain followed the host to the tables, and pushed 4 together. We all contently sat down, praying, probably to no avail, that this was the end of all the chaos. The Vegimals were napping, so us kids listened to the adults talk, it was a long-winded, boring conversation about whatever grown-ups like to talk about. There are some things grown-ups do that we'll never understand, like drink coffee. It tastes disgusting, and it's not like coffee makes them any less grumpy in the morning unless you drink half the coffeepot like Tweak does. Bella glanced at us kids and saw how bored we were, so she scooted her chair closer to us, and reached into her bag. She pulled out a bag of marbles, and pulled a couple out.
"Do you know how to play these?" She asked us. We all shook our heads.
"Alright, then we'll start with a small game called Odds or Evens. I'll hold a certain number of marbles in each paw, and you have to guess if it's a odd or even number. The person who guesses it right gets the point." She cupped her paws together and shook the marbles around in them. She then clenched her paws closed, and stuck them out to us.
"EVEN!" Pinto yelled.
"ODD!" Koshi, Squirt, and I yelled at once. Bella opened her paws to reveal 6 shiny marbles. 
"YES!" Pinto screamed in triumph, all sleepiness forgotten, "I win!"
"Pinto, please keep your voice down," Peso gently reminded him, "we don't want to disturb anyone." 
"Yeah, Pinto!" Squirt echoed mockingly. Pinto stuck his tongue out at him.
"Children, please!" Inkling sighed, "Aren't any of you just the slightest bit tired?"
"Mm, not really." Koshi shrugged
 "Nope!" I said brightly
"No way!" Pinto yelled as Peso tried to shush him.
"Not in the slightest!" Squirt exclaimed. The adults looked horrified.
"Octonauts, mission tire these children out begins now!" The captain joked, and everyone chuckled. The adults tried, and failed, to make us tired throughout the meal. In fact, Kwazii was more of a hindrance than a help. He had more energy than all of us plus the adults COMBINED. After we left the restaurant, feeling full and slightly sleepier, we all climbed back into the bus with our arms laden with leftovers and sleepy Vegimals. We flew through London, I had a sneaking suspicion that Bella was taking the longer route so she could show us way more places than she could've if we took the straighter route. At that very moment, that bus had to be the loudest, happiest group of people in the U.K.. Bella was pretending to be a tour guide, and a hilarious one at that. As I looked around, I saw the streetlights illuminate everyone's faces. Finally, most of our troubles were over.
"And over there folks is the London Eye!" Bella was saying in a deep, funny, voice. "You better pray it doesn't break when you're at the top!" We all laughed, and I raised my paw up high.
"Is it possible to slingshot my sister into the River Thames from it?" I yelled to her.

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