Joy in Being Forgotten

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to see the ferry drive away from the island. All the adults were right behind us.
"What are we going to do?" Bella panted.
"We have no other choice but to wait for the next one." Professor Inkling responded to her.
"Yeow! When does that one come?" Kwazii yelped as the captain checked his phone.
"2 hours." The captain responded, looking rather resigned. We were gonna kill each other before the 1 minute mark. We sat on the rocky shore with our shoes off, feeling the cold water wash over our toes, wishing it could wash away our worries.
"At least we'll have some quiet time on a beautiful island!" The captain had said, trying to make us feel better. The island was anything but quiet. Kwazii and Tweak were going at each other, nearly shaking the whole island with their fighting, and we were all getting bored and antsy, watching the Vegimals play tag with each other. Soon, Pinto got in the game, and he ran toward me, and shoved me into the water.
"Tag! You're it!" He yelled and ran off. I was soaked and freezing, but inside, my insides burned with a desire for revenge. I picked up a bunch of seaweed that had washed up onto the shore, wove them together to make a small pouch, scooped up some of the cold water, and went in search of a certain penguin. I poured the cold water over his head, and gently patted him on the back.
 "You're it!" I yelled and ran off.
"I'm not even cold!" He yelled and took off after me. I ran back toward the ocean and he followed me, we splashed into the ocean, soaking ourselves, and everyone around us.
I splashed water all over him using my paws, but accidentally nailed Peso by mistake. I gasped, and tried to apologize as both my sisters started scolding me. Peso held up both of his flippers in both of our directions, and we immediately went silent. His beak was in a thin line, and trembling, but then it turned upwards in a grin, he splashed me right back, and Pinto tagged me. I then splash-tagged Koshi, who in turn got Tweak, and on and on this went, until everyone was running around in the water, and not even Kwazii complained that it was cold. We must've been playing for hours, because as Tweak was about to kick Kwazii in the butt, the ferry came. We all ran toward it, and lurched onto it as fast as we could, earning some pretty funny looks from the people still on board. What a sight we were, dripping wet, and laughing like crazy. On the ferry back, we all couldn't sit down and rest for our lives, even the adults. Once we were safely back in Athens, and banned from the ferry because the Professor threw up, again, Dashi offered to drive us to our hotel, and Shellington offered to drive us to dinner after we all got settled in, but he was quickly told not to worry about it, and Inkling offered to drive. We got to the hotel, and this time, we were awake enough to drag our bags into the hotel, and not leave them in the bus. After taking out 5, yes F-I-V-E trolleys from inside the hotel, we finally got everyone's bags into their respective rooms. The girls room had 2 beds, a couch with a pullout bed underneath it, and the best part, a flat-screen TV that could connect to a Nintendo Switch, and had all the streaming services one could desire. Koshi and I flipped through the channels while Dashi, Tweak, and Bella unpacked. We were pushing random buttons on the remote to our hearts' content until Dashi and Tweak couldn't take all the noise anymore, and took the remote away. Then it was time for dinner, and if you asked anyone at the table to compare it to Italian food, the answer would be no, just no! It was just too good! We would spend 4 days in Greece, just so Professor Inkling and Shellington could do some extra research, leaving everyone else free to do whatever they liked. For the first 2 days, everyone's sleep schedules was still off, but we were trying to change that. We all went to bed around 4 PM, or 11 PM in Brisbane, but we all got up around midnight or 1 AM, we were trying to change this, obviously, but we had a long way to go. This particular night, it was 3 AM Brisbane time, or 8 PM in Athens, we were all tired, obviously, and probably desperately needed sleep, but it could wait. We were all telling stories, until the topic of food came up, and some of us were hungry, so Bella and I went down to the vending machine to get some food, but when we came back, the door was locked. We banged on it until someone started coming down the hall, then we froze in our tracks.

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