Moment Before Disaster

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"C'mon Saumensch!" Pinto begged, "Please!!!!! It'll be fun." He had been trying to convince me since this morning to prank Koshi and Squirt by stealing all their clothes and switching them out with one another. It was a pretty silly prank, but I couldn't say it wouldn't be funny.

"Pendejo, how would we even do it anyways?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I really REALLY want to, please, Saumensch, pleeeease!" Annoying thing number 1 about having a baby brother: You cannot say no in any way to whatever he wants, especially when he turns up the charms.

"Alright, Cabeza de culo." I groaned and put a paw to his head. He'd be the death of me, "So how do we do it? We can't just walk into their rooms at whatever time we want and steal all their clothes."

"No, we can't; when they're with Inkling?" He suggested.

"Squirt's room is IN the library, dummkopf!" I rolled my eyes at him as he sucker-punched me in the arm.

"So when DO we do it, estupida?"

"I don't know! It was YOUR idea, saukerl."

"Wait!" He pulled me in close. Peso had just passed by us, and it'd be a disaster if he heard, "Dinnertime, pendeja. Everyone's gonna be in the kitchen, and no one will be in the library, it's perfect!"

"Great, I'm proud of you, you little arschloch." I patted him on the back and he threw a flipper around my shoulders.

"Gracias, Idioto!" The things I'd do for Pinto.

"Pinto!" I gestured for him to follow me into the shadowy corners of the kitchen.

"What is it?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

"How 'bout only one of us goes in the library?" I immediately whispered, "If we both leave at the same time, it'll be suspicious."

"Alright then. I'm not going."

"What!?" The spike of annoyance inside disappeared as quickly as it came out, "Why?! It was your idea, Pendejo!"

"Geez, calmate!" He seemed rather amused, "It's just cos I don't want to accidentally open the wrong drawer in your room and see you-know-whats and have one of your sisters walk in at that exact moment. There's a reason I like you more than both of them, Saumensch!"

"You have no problem asking me for a kiss; you can be a big boy and be mature about my sister's underwear, cabron." I confined my voice to a forced calm tone.

"No thanks, I'd rather not see it." He still wasn't budging. Whoever said mules are the most stubborn animals have never met Pinto in their lives.

"I'll be right back." I immediately ran up to our room, pulled a pink post-it note from Dashi's desk, and slapped it onto the drawers that had Koshi's clothes in it. Not even someone as stupid as Pinto could be at times could miss it.

"Where were you?" He asked once I walked back into the kitchen.

"Making sure you knew which one was Koshi's drawers." I answered cheerfully. Now he had no way out of it, "It was your idea, Saukerl. It's only fair you do the honors."

"Bien, cabron." He sighed, not able to argue with it, and began to leave the room, before he did, he immediately turned back to me and whispered, "If Peso asks where I am, tell him I lost my watch."

"Gotcha, godspeed arschloch!" I saluted him jokingly and patted him on the shoulder.

"Do I get a good luck kiss?" He teased back.

"Don't push it, saukerl." I warned, but laughed and hugged him, "That's all you get." This wasn't going to end well, but we were still curious to see the results.

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