Don't Say It!

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"Welcome to the London Eye!" Bella pointed, "You all see that giant thing dominating our bus, that's the London Eye!"
"Yarr! Come on mateys, we gotta hurry!" Kwazii yelled and leaped off of the bus.
"Woah, easy Kwazii!" The captain stepped forward calmly, "What's your hurry?" 
"The line, captain, look at it!" He gestured wildly toward the Eye. From the parking lot, the line looked like a long, thin snake of creatures snaking away from the Eye. We gave them our tickets, but it was just our luck that the lady at the ticket booth went off for her break at the exact time that we handed our 24 tickets in to her, and we had to wait for someone else to take over for her. We stood in that line for around 20 minutes, and finally, another person came running toward us, and stamped our tickets there and then without getting into the booth. We thanked him quickly as we were dragged away by a very impatient Kwazii, desperate to get a good spot in line. 
"Kwazii!" Peso chided, "There's no rush, please slow down."
 "Ah, Peso!" He sighed, "It's not like the London Eye's gonna break on it's next rou-"
"SSHHHH!" Bella hissed, but soon quickly gained control of herself again.
"What is it, matey?!" Kwazii asked, instantly alert.
"If you say it, it's gonna happen, so don't mention it!" Bella whispered to him.
"What, the wheel's gonna stop working on its next round?" Bella shot a  mocking "Can you believe him?" look toward us, and we all laughed. We stood in line "idly" breaking the peace every 5 seconds to fight with someone else. Surprisingly, we were able to go on the next round.
"Already?" Dashi was surprised too, "We get to go on the next round?"
"Well I'm not too surprised." Bella shrugged casually, "This thing can hold 800, 25 in each capsule."
"So you're telling me that we can all fit in one of those with room to spare?" The captain seemed incredibly surprised, "That's... new." 
"Very surprising." Peso agreed.
"Ev'ry one on! Fill 'er up!" The person manning the front gate called, paw to his mouth hollered at us. We all piled into one humongous capsule, all 24 of us. Only problem? We realized after it was too late to turn back that half of the Vegimals, Shellington, AND Peso were afraid of being up this high. We couldn't turn back, so the Captain had a very unorthodox solution. He scooped up some of the Vegimals, put the others on his back. Kwazii hugged Peso close to him, and reached his paw out to Shellington who was hiding his face in Kwazii's fur.
"Aww," He grasped Shellington's paw in his own, "There's nothing to be afraid of, me hearties. Think of the excitement and the view. We'll be 100 feet above the ground with nothing but air in between. Shellington immediately stiffened, and Peso gulped. 
"Kwazii." The captain chided, and shook his head, "Please don't scare us too."
"Arr, all right!" He rolled his eye and turned toward me and Pinto
"Are ye scared?" We both shook our heads, "See, cap'n! I'm not scaring anyone else."
"Speak for yourself." Dashi teased, staring at the ground moving away from us with slight alarm. The captain looked resigned, and held the Vegimals burying their faces into his fur closer.
"Bella, how much longer will we have to put up with you-know-who?" Tweak cut in. 
"40 or so minutes at the longest." She looked equally resigned. Great. We were stuck in a 30 or so ft long capsule with Kwazii that was currently 30 feet in the air and rising. It was a matter of time before someone broke the glass and jumped into the river. I wonder who's gonna crack first?

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