Code Red!

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The Octo-Alert wailed, louder than I've ever heard it. I was with Tweak, working on the Gup-D after Shellington crashed it for the 5th time that week. At the sound of the Octo-Alert, Tweak grabbed my paw and nearly pulled my arm out of its socket as she dragged me to the HQ.
"Captain, what's going on?" Peso asked nervously.
"There's a dangerous snake on board the ship." Shellington answered, "The slender-necked sea snake, it's very poisonous." Everyone gasped, and all of the Vegimals fainted.
"In that case, we'll need to use grabbers." Captain Barnacles replied, "Vegimals, children, I want you all to get off of the ground, it's not safe to be around the snake. Koshi, Squirt, you're in charge." They both saluted him as Peso ushered us all onto the table, and told us to stay put. After sitting on the table for a while, we all got antsy and bored, and were soon fighting with one another.
"Bathroom" Grouber said, breaking up another argument we were having.
"You need the bathroom?" Squirt asked him. Grouber nodded.
"How many more of you need the bathroom?" Koshi asked.
"Raise your flipper if you do." I added. Every single Vegimal flipper went up.
"We better take them to the bathroom then." Squirt sighed.
"No, it's not safe to be off of the ground" Koshi said to him, "There's a dangerous snake loose on the ship, and we'll be in huge trouble when they find out we left."
"Well then would you rather have the Vegimals go #2 all over the table?!" Pinto exclaimed, "I'm not afraid of it!"
"It might bite you." Koshi warned.
"We were on the verge of biting each other anyways." I said, "Come on Koshi, we'll be careful, we promise, please."
She sighed, "Alright, but I'm not dragging you to Peso if you get bitten, any of you."
"Fine, Mrs. Killjoy." I murmured under my breath, "We'll just get a bucket from the kitchen then, and dump it over your head when they're finished."
"Let's go," Squirt said to us, "quit bickering." We followed him down the hallway, and toward where the grown-ups' voices were. As we got closer to the voices that were coming toward the Sick Bay, we could make out what they were saying.
"What happened, Kwazii?" Peso was asking gently.
"I was coming up toward that slithery beast, and she bit me!" Peso gasped. 
"Well, I better give you some antivenom then. Hold still, Kwazii, it may hurt a bit." We all ducked out of the doorway, and ran toward the kitchen, now we were scared. Once we got to the kitchen door, we heard a faint hiss. I wish I could've said that we stayed calm, but no, we didn't, we all screamed, and inevitably, the adults came running. 
"What happened?" Dashi yelled, "Why are you all here?" All of us started talking at once.
"We heard the snake!"
"The Vegimals needed the toilet!"
"We were going to get a bucket!" She spent a while trying to get us all to shut up, and when she did, I could tell she was trying to keep her calm.
"Now everyone, one at a time please. Where did you hear the snake from?" We all pointed toward the vents. Everyone ran towards them. We were shunted aside and told to go back to the HQ table we were on. As we walked toward to the HQ, I heard Koshi scream, I gripped the bucket tight, and ran toward her, with the boys on my tail.
"Koshi! What happened?" Squirt yelled, and my blood froze, the snake was right in front of my sister, and it looked angry. That's it! No one bites my sister, however annoying she is. I pounced, deaf to Pinto and Squirt yelling my name. I expected the snake's fangs to sink into my paw, they didn't. I opened my eyes, I had overturned the bucket over the snake and caught it!

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