Unexpected Lessons

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The dreaded day came. I woke up to Dashi shaking my top bunk, and feeling pretty good, until she said this,
"First day of school, little sis, better get up!" I felt like using the words that Tweak used whenever a Gup broke. I reluctantly climbed out of bed, and made sure to jump on Koshi's bunk while I was at it to get her to wake up. Dashi rushed back into our room, completely panicked.
"Girls, come on, Professor Inkling wants to see you in...15 minutes!" That did it, Koshi and I both jumped out of our beds and ran for the door. As I was about to jump down the Octochute, I heard Peso nagging Pinto to get up, and yelled toward their room,
"Inkling needs us in the library in 15 minutes." And then Pinto ran out, and jumped down the Octochute, I laughed and followed him. 12 minutes left. I bolted toward the bathroom, brushed my teeth and dunked my head under the faucet for a while, that counts as a shower. I hope. After that, I ran into Tweak's old storage room to get dressed (probably wasn't supposed to do that). I immediately ran to the library, nearly running over a Vegimal in the process, (Sorry Vegimal). I skidded into the library just as Professor Inkling opened the door, but I tripped over his tentacles, and landed hard on the carpet. 

"D'ohhhhhh!" He cried in surprise as he and Squirt ran over to pick me off the ground, "Be careful, my dear, you could've seriously hurt yourself."
"You all right, Jane?" Squirt asked.
"Yep," I said, "Why did you call us here so early?" 
"Well, I wanted to make sure you all knew where to go for the first class, so I wanted to have a little assembly." At that moment, Koshi and Pinto walked through the door.
"Welcome everybody," Professor Inkling called to them, "Please, take a seat, we have some business to discuss!" So we all took a seat at a table in front of Professor Inkling's armchair. 
"Now, as you know, today is your first day at the Octopod Academy." Pinto and I snickered at the name. Squirt slapped both of our hands covertly, all of our laughter vaporized. "As I was saying," Professor Inkling continued, glancing at us. "Today is your first day at a new school, and I want to make sure you know where your going. Now, Pinto and Jane, you are the 1st form, and Koshi and Squirt, you two are the 2nd form, understood? Now the second form will usually go to Shellington's first........." On and on and on he went for another hour or so, until he sent Koshi and Squirt to Shellington's and brought me and Pinto to a remote part of the library to have our lesson in peace. After our lessons, and a crapload of work, we were dismissed to Captain Barnacles' P.E. class, which was only slightly more fun than Professor Inkling's classes. We had to run twice around the whole Octopod, and lift at least 10 lbs. Then we were thrown into Shellington's class, which was the most fun in my opinion, Shellington made a whirlpool, and let us play with it. After math, we were sent to have lunch, where we met Koshi and Squirt, and we compared schedules, at 4 P.M. I had Mechanics with Tweak, and so did Pinto. We walked down to the launch bay, and when we got there, Tweak had already prepared everything, and by the end of the lesson, my head was spinning with mechanical concepts.

I opened my eyes, the cobwebs of sleep still flooded my brain I heard someone creaking down the Octo-chute. Neither of my sisters had woken up, I checked the alarm clock, 4:00 A.M. I closed my eyes and groaned quietly, who the hell would be up at this time? I didn't know who it was, so I grabbed my metal bat, and crept out of the room. I went down the Octo-chute as quietly as I could. I wasn't good at landing quite yet, I spilled out of the Octo-chute and crashed on the ground, and to my surprise, someone came crashing in behind me gripping a flashlight.
"Pinto!" I cried in surprise, "What are you doing?!"
"Did you hear that creaking?" He whispered.
"Yes!" I replied, "You too?" He gave me a thumbs up, as we tiptoed down the hallway, I heard whispers down the hallways. They were getting closer, and closer, and closer, once I could half make out what they were saying, 
"I think I hear someone, quiet!" I grabbed my bat, and swung as hard as I could.
"YEOW! What was that?" A voice cried out. "Show yerselves you scurvy-!" Pinto turned on his flashlight.
"Kwazii? Shellington?" He cried, as perplexed as I was, "What are you doing here at this time of night?"
"Well, er, actually, Kwazii was going to give me a driving lesson." Shellington stuttered awkwardly in his Scottish garble.
 "But didn't you crash 2 Gups last time?" I asked. Kwazii and Shellington looked at each other sheepishly. 
"Well, Jane, we did, but we won't this time, isn't that right, Shellington?" Kwazii replied. Shellington fidgeted a little, but said nothing.
"Can we come too?" Pinto begged, jumping up and down in excitement, "Please, please, PLEASE?" Kwazii and Shellington looked at each other.
"Doesn't look like we have any other choice." Kwazii sighed, "Come on mateys! But keep quiet about this, don't tell anyone!" We trailed after Kwazii and Shellington to the Launch Bay, where Tweak slept, Shellington turned around to face us, and put his paw to his lips. Kwazii ushered us each one by one into the Gup-A, quietly shut the window, and I tied a rope to the lever that opened the Launch Bay, a contraption that kinda worked like how you pull baby teeth out. (A/N: P.S. If anyone watched Operation Cooperation, did you notice that plot hole too?) 
"Alright mateys," Kwazii yelled excitedly, "who wants to go first!"
"Me! Me! Me!" Pinto screamed, jumping up and down in the air."
"Alrighty then, come here, matey!" Kwazii held Pinto up so he could reach the steering wheel.
"Pinto look out!" Kwazii yelled. Pinto gasped as he saw a huge rock in his way. I heard a loud grinding noise, and then the ship went dark. 

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