On Our Way

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Once we got to the head of the line, the scramble to find tickets started all over again. We all frantically patted our pockets and ripped the suitcases open until the Captain found them in a suitcase. The captain dug them out and slapped them down on the desk in front of the attendant. He looked slightly amused at the Captain's panic.
"You all're good to go." He smiled, and sent us on our way. We ran through the gate that led to the plane.
"WHY ARE WE RUNNING?!?!?!?!??!" Tweak yelled at Kwazii while we were sprinting toward the plane's opening. There were so many of us that the entire hallway was shaking.
"I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!" He yelled back, "JUST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And so we did. In our defense, we were a little crazed, and didn't know any better in this state. We all piled into the airplane, and went on our way to find our seats. Luckily, we had seats near each other, so we all pushed past each other, brushing shoulders and bumping legs as we tried to figure out who sat where. Once we settled on having the Vegimals sit with Shellington, Peso, and Squirt, have Dashi sit between Kwazii and Tweak, (poor Dashi...) The Captain would sit behind them with Inkling next to a stranger, and Pinto, Koshi, and I sat in the row right behind the Vegimals. Right before the plane took off, a disconcerting amount of loud noise came from Tweak's, Dashi's, and Kwazii's seats. Tweak and Kwazi were having a very loud argument that was on the edge of becoming physical while my sister tried, and was failing, to stop them. Luckily, the Captain practically leaped out of his seat to pull them apart. He calmly separated them, put Tweak by Shellington and the Vegimals, Peso in between Dashi and Kwazii, and sat back down by Inkling as the plane began to take off. When the Captain sat down, he and I made eye contact, his lips were in a straight thin line, and he seemed to be dreading the worst, but what was it? Well, we'd soon figure out it wasn't anything good. As we went higher and higher, Inkling seemed to be turning pale, then green, and then released something more disgusting than anything that should ever come out of an octopus, or any creature ever, something even fouler than the Donna Doxy books my sisters like, out of his mouth. He threw up; the Captain immediately grabbed the barf bag, and put it under Inkling's face. The person beside the Captain who was sitting in the aisle seat leaned as far away from him as possible, and just looked on in disgust as Inkling threw up in the bag, and the Captain was rubbing Inkling's back, trying to comfort him. That's the captain for you, willing to sit by someone who barfed in the middle seat by a total stranger who was disgusted by him for the sake of his crew. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be landing in Australia in a couple minutes, so hang tight, and fasten your seatbelts." I was standing in the aisle, coming back from the bathroom, so I practically sprinted back to my seat. Once I got back, the plane had already began to speed up. I sat down and buckled my seatbelt with help from Pinto as we began to descend. Once we were safely on the ground, everyone stood up, and were more than ready to get out of this flying metal tube. Before any of us had an opportunity to comprehend what we were supposed to do, Tweak grabbed all 3 of us, and dragged us off of the plane. Once we reached the exit gate and met up with everyone else, we all tiredly shuffled to the customs line. We waited for what felt like hours. I was looking at the clock, but not counting; I was just too tired to count. Once we reached the head of the line, the captain fumbled sleepily for our passports, and Dashi handed them to him, barely awake herself. Once the lady at the customs desk gave us a nod of approval, we went through the rest of the airport until we saw a female and male polar bear waving enthusiastically but tiredly at us, it was midnight here after all. But we understood, we were home, finally. 

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