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I felt something pressing onto me, something big. It was too dark to see who or what it was. 
"Oh, sorry Jane," Shellington said, and I felt the weight on my back lift. "Something must've knocked the power out!"
"Don't worry, I'll fix this up faster th-" Kwazii began.
"Um, Kwazii, maybe we should ask someone who actually has mechanical experience to do this." Shellington suggested lightly. 
"We can't tell Tweak about this!" Kwazii yelped. "Does anyone know how to fix the Gup?"
"It looks like the engine still works." Pinto said. 
"Yep, anyone have a flashlight?" I asked. Someone handed me one. I could make out Shellington, Kwazii, and Pinto in the light, and no one seemed hurt, thank goodness.
"Jane, Pinto, do you 2 know how to fix Gups?" Shellington asked hopefully.
"Well, kinda," I admitted.
"Tweak didn't really teach us how to fix them, she just taught us how they work." Pinto added.
"Well, that's helpful too." Kwazii exclaimed, "You 2 can see how badly we broke them, and we'll see if we need Tweak or not." And that's how Pinto and I ended up checking the Gup-A over. There was nothing wrong with the Gup, except for broken lights and a few dents, which neither of us knew how to fix. We just had to push the Gup out of a crevice we got it stuck in. Which gave Kwazii the brilliant idea to make everyone get out of the Gup and push it.
"But the lights are broken," Shellington protested.
"You're gonna crash it again." Pinto added.
"The flashlight." I cried, an idea shot to my brain at light speed, "Does anyone else have another flashlight? I'm gonna need a flashlight and duct tape."
"I do." Shellington and Kwazii chorused. 
"Wonderful." I replied, beaming. Pinto and I swam out of the Gup with ropes around our waists like leashes so Shellington and Kwazii didn't have to explain to Peso and Dashi how they lost us and attached the flashlights to the sides of the Gup.
"Good work me hearties, now help us push it out." we swam to the rudder end, and pushed as hard as we could. After about 5 minutes of this, the Gup was loose, and we were on our way home. When we got back, Pinto and I were tiredly playing a game of cards, but were startled by Shellington's sudden yelp. I snapped around, and Pinto fell out of his seat. Uh oh. Tweak was standing at the Launch Bay, and she was livid.
"Fancy seeing you this early again, Kwazii, Shellington, and it looks like you brought your little friends along."
"Um, well Tweak, actually, Jane and Pinto have been a great help." Shellington stuttered.
"Yeah, our lil mateys were a big help." Kwazii echoed, but shrank under the look Tweak gave him. "Right, we best be on our way now."
"Jane, Pinto, wait a sec, Dashi and Peso're probably up by now, so I ain't gonna send you back, the story's gonna be that you 2 came down here early to help me, and didn't wanna wake them up, kay?"
"Okay!" I never knew Tweak to cover for someone who destroyed a Gup, but then again, people surprise you.
"Now run along, I bet you 2're hungry for breakfast now. I heard the Vegimals whipped up some kelp pancakes. And Inkling's probably expecting you for lessons!"
A/N: Shoutout to Octonauts16's 6 year anniversary on Wattpad on the 18th!

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