Campfire For A Family

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I checked my watch. It was close to 10 P.M. already, but no one was tired at all. Everyone was gathered in the library with a campfire in the middle of us all. Now I know having a campfire inside the Octopod with Kwazii less than 100 ft away from it isn't the safest option. Okay, it's the worst idea ever imagined. But we were safely supervised; the Captain and Peso were keeping a close eye on him, and Tweak was sitting close to the fire with a fire extinguisher in case something were to go wrong. We had been telling each other stories and singing new songs Peso had taught us for the past 2 hours. Bianca had just stood up, and wanted to teach us about the "polar bear annual journey" She stepped closer to us kids, and smiled mischievously.
"So, you all want to learn a new way to prank your guardians?" She asked, smirking.
"Of course!"
"Absolutely." She smiled, took a seat in front of us, and began.
"So first, do you all know how to make Jello?" She asked. We all shook our heads. Jello required the stove, and we weren't allowed anywhere near the stove.
She put her paw to her lips and thought for a second, and she finally whispered to us,
"Tomorrow morning when Bar- I mean the Captain- does his workout, meet me in the kitchen, alright?"
"Alright." Squirt looked at the rest of us tentatively. I nodded. 
"Sure." Pinto shrugged.
"And don't tell your guardians." She added, before leaning back beside the Captain and wrapping her arm around him as her cubs climbed into her lap.
"Well then," Inkling's lips tightened, and his posture became slightly stiffer, "Who's turn is it now?" Tweak stood up, and seemed to be excited about something, a good sign.
"Mine!" She beamed widely with mischief gleaming in her eyes.
"So to get my Pa back for the embarrassing baby stories," She looked pointedly at her dad, This was going to be good.
"This happened bout 2 years ago when I was 19."
"WOW!" Pinto cut in, "You're old."
"Yeah, yeah! I know!" She exclaimed jokingly, and ruffled his hair "21, I'm ancient! So anyways, I've been in college for a year. And after a year of bein' in college and having to call my dad on his crackly old radio for so long, I was gettin' kinda sick of it, so I got him a telephone."
"Does he use it?" Kwazii asked.
"Oh you know my dad Kwaz," Tweak chuckled, "He never used it. So anyways," She continued, "The first time my Pa tried to call me over the phone, he tried 3 times, and he couldn't get it. So he assumed the worst, and thought somethin' happened to me so ya know what he did," She stared at the cubs jokingly,
"What?!" The cubs exclaimed, and the Vegimals bounced up and down, chirping in unison with the cubs pleas for her to continue her story. Once they finally settled down, Tweak continued,
"He called the cops and they broke my door down when I was at classes." Everyone either gasped or laughed at this EXCEPT Ranger Marsh, who was hiding his face in his paws. As we continued to exchange stories for a while longer, the Professor stood up, and exclaimed, 
"Good gracious! Look at the time, everyone, we really must be heading to bed now! Good night everyone!" As everyone stood up wearily, and began to drift to their separate rooms, Bianca looked toward Pinto and and mouthed, 
"Tomorrow morning, 6 AM, kitchen." We looked at each other, and Pinto smirked. Oh yeah, this was gonna be so much fun.

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