Falling To Pieces

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It took five seconds for all the preparation we'd done beforehand to ensure a. We wouldn't kill each other, and b. We wouldn't start a fire, to have been entirely in vain. Not 60 seconds after Tweak and Kwazii laid eyes on each other, they began wrestling on the ground and screaming like each other. This wasn't the slightest bit unusual, but we had company over, and it'd be kind of embarrassing if we had the lieutenant and the engineer of the crew scream childish insults and attempt to claw each other's throats out in front of everyone, which in that moment, we did if you couldn't already tell.

"Go back to the room." Dashi whispered to Koshi and I, startling us both.

"Why?" I mouthed to her. She nodded in the direction of Kwazii and Tweak and shepherded us out of the room.

"And here I was thinking it wouldn't end this way." Dashi sighed like she was disappointed in herself for even thinking that, "Oh no, Shel, don't!" Dashi called out as she rushed to stop Shellington from entering the den of madness known as the Octopod's kitchen.

"They're at it again?" Shellington asked in a bored tone as Dashi nodded.

"How long did they last this timely?" He asked again, this time with a little note of intrigue in his voice. Dashi looked towards me and Koshi.

"Five seconds?" I estimated lamely.

"More like two." Koshi corrected me.

"That's quite worrying." Shellington winced, "And I think it's their record as well."

"Is it bad that even the girls have lasted 10 seconds?" Dashi giggled, much to Koshi's and my chagrin.

"Hey!" Koshi complained, "We've lasted longer than 10 seconds."

"Oh really?" Dashi scrutinized us with mock skepticism.

"How long did we last again?" Koshi whispered to me out of the corner of her mouth.

"A day." I answered after racking my memory.

"A day?!" Shellington cried in disbelief.

"Dashi said she'd extend our bedtime by an hour if Koshi and I could go a day without fighting." I explained.

"And now I know how to get them to defy all logic." Dashi joked, but her smile was quickly replaced by a grimace as Kwazii and Tweak came rolling past us, still attempting to end each other with the Captain following.

"Again?!" Peso, who'd finally emerged from the Sick Bay, looked from one of us to the other.

"What's it about this time?" Pinto asked curiously, peeking over from behind Peso.

"I dunno." Koshi responded, "I guess because they're Kwazii and Tweak?"

"Valid." Pinto shrugged, "So what now?"

"It looks like we'll need to turn back to the usual." The Captain sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"That sounds nice." Tracker politely went along, "So what's the usual?"

"We all pile into the library with whatever food the Vegimals made and let Professor Inkling read to us." Shellington informed him.


"Zey've done it last five times I was here, malchik." Natquik smiled slightly in amusement, "It's quite fun."

"I'll take your word for it." Tracker beamed. The rest of the night went off without a hitch. Inkling read us books; we got to eat good food, we only needed a few repairs, cleanup wouldn't take the entire night, and the sounds of Kwazii and Tweak screeching at each other in the hallway were barely audible. For Octopod Parties, it was a success.

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