"I Hate You!"

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So you know how Koshi and I got along for more than one second for once? Hahaha, like everything good in the world, it couldn't last. It took approximately 2 minutes for the whole thing to come crashing down around our ears, and Dashi was truly disappointed.

"Can't you two be civil to each other for, oh, I don't know, five minutes?!" Dashi had pleaded while Koshi and I only shrugged.

"Have we ever gotten along for five minutes?" Koshi wondered aloud.

"No." Dashi muttered venomously, "You two have hated each other since the minute Jane was born. Don't you think you might be a little old for all this tussling?"

Koshi and I glared at each other, which answered her question perfectly. Dashi, already far too used to it at this point only rolled her eyes and left the room, deciding not to waste anymore energy on something Koshi and I were never ever going to budge on.

"Alright, she's gone." Koshi whispered back to me after pretending to follow Dashi out the door and peeking to make sure she was actually gone, "Good acting by the way."

"Thanks," I answered, already pulling all the drawers on Dashi's vanity out, "You weren't bad yourself." Hehehe I had no idea Dashi could actually fall for that. Neither Koshi nor I had ever been good actresses and Dashi had dead accurate intuition for when we were, or more frequently I was, up to something.

"Do you have any idea where she keeps her baby pictures?" I asked aloud after a while.

"No" Koshi looked at me like I was stupid, which I kinda was for asking that, "That's why we're looking for them?"

"Fair point." I muttered, only partially paying attention to her idiot self and continued looking for the lost photos that always seemed to evade us.

"You think it may be-?" Koshi began to ask.

"In there?" I finished for her. Dashi had warned us both not to touch the little pink chest covered with glitter in the closet because she was keeping very fragile camera equipment in there, but this wasn't the first time she hid "camera equipment" from us.

"There's always the chance." Koshi reasoned and I shrugged. Eh, why not.

"She did tell us not to go in there..." I pondered.

"Since when have YOU ever listened to that?" Koshi snickered.

"Never." I winked at her, "It's probably in there. Remember the last time she told us not to look somewhere?"

"And there was a huge stash of candy that she and Tweak were planning to split? Yeah, I remember." Koshi answered, following me over to the closet.

When we wrenched the chest open, to our utter surprise, there really was camera equipment in there.

"Well that was disappointing." I casually declared, turned around, and began to walk away as Koshi grabbed the back of my shirt and pointed at a glittering sliver of gold in the box. Both of us plunged our arms into the chest and pulled out a gold-embossed book with the corners of old photographs sticking out.

As we plucked the book from the tangle of equipment, little snowflakes of photographs fluttered down to the ground.

"Hey Jane, is this you?" Koshi asked with her paw to her mouth, trying to bite back a laugh. I peered over her shoulder and cringed at the sight of the dangerously pink outfit on the little puppy in the picture.

"No." I scoffed, "I had dignity back then, Kosh, and dignity is-"

"I knew what dignity was before you were born." She snapped playfully, "Dashi looks so funny, though."

"She does." I agreed, then the best idea of my entire life came to me, "How about we show the whole Octopod?"

Koshi mulled over it for a second then flashed me a smile, "Let's do it."

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