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Just then, the adults ran up to us, and Dashi yanked me away from the bucket. At this point, the "keep calm" rule went completely out the window, and we were all panicking.
"What do we do?"
"No, don't touch it! There's a poisonous snake in there." A sharp whistle pierced the air, and stopped us from panicking. The Captain had arrived.
"Everyone, back away from the bucket, and no one touch it." He stepped a little closer to the bucket. 
"We're going to need to turn it upside down, and cover it with something. Pinto, run and get a pot lid from the kitchen, please."
"Aye-aye, Captain!" He said, and saluted.
"1, 2, 3!" The captain exclaimed, and he and Peso turned the bucket with the snake inside over. The snake hissed and thrashed as it was thrown around in the bucket.
"Easy, easy now." Peso said soothingly, "We're not going to hurt you." He used his grabber, and  picked up the snake.
"Now let's get you home." He reassured her. "Tweak, may you open the Octohatch, please?" Tweak did as she was asked.
"Well that was a lot of excitement!" She said to me as soon as we got back to the Launch Bay after she closed the Launch Bay.
"So how bout we get back to work, lil hellhound!"

"Alright everybody, form a line!" I yelled toward the Vegimals, moving my arms like I was one of those animals who guided planes on runways. All the Vegimals chittered in awe, and waddled after us. We were in a supermarket, since Shellington wanted to show the Vegimals what to do in a supermarket in case they would ever live a "normal life".

"Grouber!" Squirt chastised, "Do not eat that! You'll need to pay for it first. Jane! come here, and help me, please!"
"I can't" I protested, "I gotta get Barrot, or we'll have a missing Vegimal on our paws, or tentacles."
"I can't get Koshi or Pinto to help either, they're too busy keeping all their Vegimals from running off." He exclaimed.
"Wish I didn't forget the preschool rope!" I sighed, "On second thought, I better ask Dashi if we still have mine and Koshi's old child leashes." Squirt laughed, but his expression became serious.
"No seriously, we need those now." I raised my eyebrows.
"Codish, no you're gonna." I winced, "fall." We walked the Vegimals through all the different aisles, they oohed and ahhed at everything we came across, and when we stopped to buy some food for them, they were more interested in the colorful wrappers that the food itself, and everyone passing by had the same reaction to the Vegimals that we did the first time we saw them,
"Aww!" They all said, "Who's children are these?" So we told them that our tutor had adopted them, and we were babysitting while they were grocery shopping. We walked along with the Vegimals, stopping whenever one of them wanted to look at something, which was very, very VERY often. They lifted up their little flippers and chattered whenever they wanted to know what something was for, and we told them, until we got to one section of the store, when Tunip pointed to a box labeled, "condom", and chattered quizically. 
"Hey Squirt?" I asked, "Do you know what that is?" 
"Nope, it looks interesting though, let's move on." So I did a headcount, and my heart sank.
"Hey Squirt?" I asked, getting worried, "Have you seen Barrot?"
"No," He responded, even more worried, "Where is he?"
"I was hoping you could tell me!" I told him.

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