"Everything Will Be O.K."

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It must've been hours, maybe even days, I couldn't believe it. Mom and Dad were coming home from Uncle Mike's lawyer's office after he'd been arrested for "simple assault", or as Uncle Petey calls it, "another stupid bar fight". While they were driving home, someone ran a stop sign, and T-Boned their car. We weren't allowed to see them just yet; they were still in the trauma ward. After a couple hours, the police came to see us. They told us that the person who was driving had died at the scene, and that Mom and Dad were the only survivors. But they were in critical condition. Mom had 5 broken ribs, and Dad had damage to his internal organs.
"Will they be O.K.?" Koshi asked.
"Judging from their progress so far, I'm betting on it, sweetheart" The policewoman said kindly. "Anyway, we need to make a custody arrangement for you two. Do you know anyone who can take you in for now? Like your grandparents." 

"Our grandparents?" I asked, "But they live in a Nursing Home, and they don't allow kids in there."

"Does this mean we're going to foster care?" Koshi asked meekly.

"I don't know," The officer replied "If someone in your family wants to take you, then they can, can you think of someone who can?"
And then it pierced my brain like a javelin, "Dashi!" I called out. "Dashi can take care of us!"
"Who's Dashi?"The officer asked.
"Our older sister, she's 19" Koshi exclaimed, all shyness forgotten. "Can she take care of us? Is it legal?"
"We can consider it." The officer replied. 

3 days later, Dashi Facetimed us from the Octopod. "The authorities just told me about Mom and Dad. We're in the Gulf of Mexico right now, but Captain Barnacles is willing to turn back around to get you two, can you two make it to the Everglades in Florida?" I'll send my friend Tweak to pick you up. We'll be there in a day. Hold on, everything will be O.K." Florida?  We lived in Detroit! How can we arrange a ticket in a day? I ran to my Uncle Petey, who was taking care of us for now and told him about the custody arrangement. 
"She will?!" He seemed shocked, "Oh wow, we gotta go get you a ticket stat!" He got us a ticket for a 9 P.M. flight to Miami, and called Dashi to ask if she could change her arrangement, and get someone to pick us up from the airport, which she could.

When we got off of the plane, tired and groggy from our long flight, we went looking for a green bunny with a tool belt and a pink headband, she was pretty easy to find, seeing as how she had her back to us, and was screaming out our names.
"Tweak? Is it?" I called out to her and waved my arm so she could see us. She turned around, and her eyes softened, 

"Yep, Jane and Koshi? Right? Dashi's got pictures of you two, and she's awfully worried 'bout you. And I'm sorry about your parents, I hope they'll be O.K. But in the meantime, I'm sure we'll all take very good care of you on the Octopod, and there are other kids too."
That sounds nice, doesn't it," I said, ribbing Koshi, she was really shy around other kids normally, and didn't like to play with them.

"Yes," She said, "sounds nice," teeth slightly gritted. She hates it when I tease her.
"Well let's go then!" Tweak replied, wouldn't wanna keep Dashi waiting." When we got to the Octopod, the second Tweak helped us off of the Gup E and into the Launch Bay, we saw Dashi, and when she saw us, her face brightened like she hadn't seen us in decades, even though she's never been alive that long, and embraced both of us tightly. 
"Oh, Koshi, Jane, I'm so sorry about Mom and Dad. I've got you now, thank goodness. Don't worry, everything will be O.K."

A/N: That's the second part done, plz leave feedback on how this story is. I'm 14, but the Octonauts were such a big part of my childhood, and I just wanna revisit a part of my life that wasn't all stress.

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