Creative Punishment

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We split up, knowing we'd be harder to catch if we did. Pinto and I slid into the Launch Bay and practically ran right into Tweak.
"What happened, kids?" She sounded concerned.
"Nothing!" I yelled over my shoulder and kept running.
"We pranked the Captain and he might be after us." Pinto yelled as he passed her. Her worry melted into amusement, and I very clearly heard her mutter,
"Little devils." We ran into her workshop and ducked behind a few barrels clustered in the back. We stayed there until we heard someone coming. The footsteps came closer and closer until the person yanked the barrels away, and looked at us. It was the Captain, and from his expression, we were in big trouble.
"Come on you two," He said sternly, "Out now!" We both clambered out of our little hiding place.
"It's time for school." He looked from one of us to the other.
"I thought school started tomorrow!" Pinto exclaimed, looking at me, perplexed. I just shrugged. I was sure it was tomorrow too.
"Well," the Captain began, a spark of naughtiness in his crinkled gray eyes, "I was going to make it tomorrow, but you all seemed a little too bored without it, so I added an extra day of school for all of you. Now run along, Inkling's expecting you two!" We both stared at him in disbelief. He chuckled, and began to steer us in the direction of Inkling's class. Well, this terribly backfired on us. 

"An appositive is an addition to a sentence meant to be used..." Pinto looked at me from the little barricade from the Professor's lesson his flippers built. The note sheet in front of him was empty, mine wasn't much better. The only indicator from it that I was awake during the lecture were drawings in the margins.
"Are either of you listening?" He turned back to us and asked. We both snapped out of sleepy, boredom induced stupor and nodded. He fixed us with an "I know you're lying look", and we faltered. No, we were not.
"Right!" He sighed, "looks like I'll have to give both of you extra homework tonight. AND I'll have to keep you longer; you'll have to miss some of Spanish." I didn't know how exactly to feel about that. We were missing Spanish, but at the same time, we'd be stuck with Inkling.
"Now, again," He sounded exasperated, "an appositive is an addition to a sentence meant to give extra information about a noun. Both of you got it?" We nodded; when will this end?

After another hour of torturous boredom, my sister poked her head in. Normally, I would've just told her to get her ugly face out of the doorway before I slammed the door into it, but I have never been more happy to see her.
"Yes my dear?" Inkling asked politely, closing his textbook.
"Peso said for me to get Pinto and Jane for Spanish." She glanced at us, and I'm guessing we looked as half-alive as I felt. 
"Oh! Apologies, Koshi! Class dismissed!" Pinto and I got up, grabbed our things, and followed her out.
"You should really listen to the Professor more often." She scolded once we left, "He really has a lot of interesting things to say."
"Yeah, interesting." I sarcastically mumbled. "The only thing that was jealous of the brilliance of that statement was the toilet." She looked shocked.
"Come here, you!" She yelled, and started after me, I ran and ducked into Peso's classroom, knowing full well I'd be in trouble if she told. I sat down beside Squirt as quick as I could, Pinto and Koshi came in a couple moments later. And after a few seconds, I felt a hard prod in my back. I turned around to face Koshi, but she just handed me a piece of paper.
"I'm telling Dashi what you said after class." It read. Well, I'm screwed.

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