A Proposal

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You stayed near the back of the crowd. You knew Raven was among them so staying at the rear while she was swept away by the rest was the best call in your book.

The butler escorted everyone back to the top of the stairs in the main lobby, everyone moving in almost practiced unison. 'Rich people hive mind?'

Then, he brought everyone to a small hall that had numerous expensive wooden doors on either side of it, with no doorknobs. Which in turn led to most of the crowd being confused.

As if sensing this, the butler turned around and gestured towards the doors.

"Now for those who wandered and tried to get in, I'm sure you found that these doors wouldn't open no matter what you did"

A few members of the crowd chuckled, mainly at the few that had flustered looks on their faces.

"No need to feel embarrassed. These aren't even real doors after all"

A few members of the crowd murmured in confusion, but the butler paid them no mind. Instead, he traced his finger alongside the left side of one of the doors. He let out a smile when it seemed he found what he was looking for.

He pushed into the wall, or more specifically, into a button that was in the wall. The doors slid open, revealing an interior of an elevator.

The crowd let out a collective sigh of amazement, before all separating into small groups that each went up a respective elevator.

You avoided the stampede of people rushing into the elevators, until you were the only one left that had yet to go up.

"Excuse me sir, but why are you still down here?" the butler from before asked in a questioning tone.

Instead of replying, you took out the coin that was given to you earlier.

The man took it, stared at it for a few seconds while being lost in space, then suddenly snapped out of it a bit flustered.

"I-I'm so sorry sir I didn't realize you were one of the VIPs, please follow me this way"

He gestured towards one of the elevators that had just returned, seeming a little nervous as he did so.

Without saying a word you walked into it, the butler following behind.

There were a total of 15 buttons. But instead of clicking on any of them, he instead clicked on one that said "Emergency".

You didn't question it, and instead of a beeping sound or the elevator shutting down, it began to go up.

Hugo walked towards a pair of closed doors. The space around him getting colder and colder with every step.

"I see"

Strange made no visible response to the drop in temperature, not even when a chill ran through his body, one he didn't react to whatsoever.

"They've even made you apart of it, Victor" He murmured under his breath.

The doctor opened the doors, the freezing air hitting him all at once, but he continued into the room as if he was unaffected.

Besides the temperature, there were only a few unique things in the room.
A table.
A few of the table's contents.
A chair.
A chair reminiscent of a throne.
And the man sitting on that throne.


His voice didn't sound human. Although, that could be attributed to the fact he barely was one anymore.

"Please, take a seat"

Walking into the center of the room, Hugo sat down down on the chair opposite of the Lord, his emotionless look matching that of the thing in front of him.

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