Royally ******

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"Y'know, if we're really going to do this, I'm at least taking 3 of you down with me"

You sat there, blood dripping down the side of your face. You were seated on the ledge of a building, your legs hanging off the edge. A solemn air surrounded you as you continued to stare at Gotham. Night had already fallen long ago, yet the city that seemed to always be trying to find a way to end your life looked so beautiful, so full of life. It was just so....serene.

You let out a small, dry chuckle. One that seemed to echo around you. A cold breeze made your H/C slightly glow in the wind.
'Since when did I start to get so sentimental'

The blood running down your face snapped you out of your trance as it dripped onto your hand, the red liquid seeping through your clenched your fist. The wound came from a baseball bat. Your trench coat had long been abandoned, skewered by a trident. Both of your swords lay either side of you, sheaths lost as you used it to defend yourself from the sword of swords. A wound on your arm aggravated you at every move, the bullet residing there was taken out long ago.

"Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be"

You grabbed the blades on either side of you, each reminiscent of your battles with the members of the Titans. You slowly made your way to your feet, letting out a tired sigh as you did. An aching feeling made its way into your legs as you finally stood at your full height. You moon seemed to shine even brighter, and you took this moment to once again savour beauty of the city at night. It felt alive.

Accepting what was to come next, you turned yourself around. 5 figures stood on the opposite side of the rooftop, each with a weapon in hand. You looked at the one who spoke, a mask covering their face. The red in mask's eye seemed to glow as it reflected the moonlight, giving one the illusion that the man in front of them was a demon, a reaper. Ignoring the last statement made, you asked them, a simple question.

"Now before we get started, I want you to tell me"

You let out a smile, and released your aura.

"Who wants to die first"



And with that, Doctor Hugo Strange opened the door to his Van, and jumped out while it was still going.

You immediately jumped into the drivers seat. The next second a bullet implanted itself into the spot where your head was a a second prior, indenting itself into the fabric that made up the interior of the Van. You took control of the car, moving your head off the headrest on your new seat. A bullet that would've pierced your ear drove itself into the cushion.

"What is with this series of unfortunate events!"

You heard a strange noise to your left, and you snapped your head in that direction.

All you saw were two headlights.

"........*sigh*.........*clears voice*......FU"-

That's when everything went to hell.

"Damnit damnit pick up pick up"

Damian Wayne, aka Robin stood atop one of the many buildings littered across Gothams Green Zone. The other Titans each stood by, either conversing among each other or trying to digest everything that's happened in the day so far. A pinkish colour littered the sky, as the sun began to set. Raven stared out into the sky, a look of pondering set on her features.

"Hola mi buena amiga- I mean hello my good friend Raven! Could you please inform me on why you seem more down than usual- I mean upset?"

The ever shining beacon of sunshine that was Starfire stood flying in front of the pale skinned woman. A nervous smile was on her face after that last sentence of course, as well as the unintentional use of a new language.

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