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"Now how are we going to get ourselves outta this one without anyone dying?"

The 3 members of Task Force X that weren't knocked out or being held captive, stood opposite of you.

After you returned Deadshot's words right back to him, a deafening silence overcame the area. He still had his gun drawn aimed at you, while your own rested against Harley's head. The girl hadn't moved ever since she felt the feeling of the revolver against her skull, remaining completely still.

A playful smile graced your lips as you spoke, almost as if you were asking a question on a group project. As if everything happening right now weren't a big deal. As if you shouldn't have already dropped dead from the amount of blood you lost. As if you shouldn't be screaming in pain and agony from your wounds.

"What makes you think I won't shoot"
"If you shoot then I kill her"
"And why would I care about the maniacs life"
"Now that's the award winning question"

Your eyes shown with interest, your voice seemingly reflecting this as you felt a shiver go down Harleys spine.

"Why do you care...."

Your grip on Harleys neck stiffened. Making her visibly grimace. You saw Livewire flinch at that, while Katana didn't move a muscle. But you could see it in her eyes.

"About this maniac?"

You felt Harleys shoulder move slightly, and pressed the gun against her head even harder. You felt her body immediately tense at the force, making your light smile which you had lost a few moments ago returning.

"I don't ca"-
"Don't give me that BULLSHIT"

You kicked out one of Harleys legs from under her, forcing her down onto her knees. You put the revolver to the back of her head. Your had smile disappeared.

"I know everything about you, ALL OF YOU!"

You were almost yelling now. The amused look had disappeared, replaced by one of pure rage. It shone in your eyes but never showed itself in your expression, which I remained cold all the while.

"Tell me Deadshot, what's your belief?"

The mercenaries eyes narrowed as he stared at you. Your gaze never left his, as a calm expression took over your previous outraged one in a matter of seconds. Almost as if nothing happened at all.

"My belief?"
"Moral code. Rules. I just call them beliefs. So what's yours? What makes you believe that you...."

You raised a finger towards the mercenary.

"Have the right to kill me?"

You pointed your finger back towards you. Livewire turned towards Deadshot, while Katana only moved her eyes. Her body still facing you.

"Because if I don't I'll have my brains on the concrete within moments"
"Stop avoiding the question Lawton"

You saw his finger flinch as it seemed he was about to pull the trigger on reflex.


You pushed the barrel of the gun even harder into the blondes head. The sound seemingly snapping Deadshot out of his state of mind, as his finger pulled itself away.

"How do y"-
"Although, I suppose someone who killed his own brother wouldn't care about some random persons life"

A loud bang overtook your hearing. At that moment everything went black and white, as all colour was sucked out of your vision. You could see the bullet slowly coming out of the barrel of Deadshots gun, aiming straight for your head. A burst of yellow and red only being visible for mere moments.

Well Fu-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें