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The voice of a frantic Hugo Strange echoed across the almost empty space. You could see him running back and forth across the room, before handing a device to his assistant. Once connected, Hugo screamed out a command to the confused woman, "CLEAR".

An odd sound could be heard, as an electrical shock was dispersed into the now dead patient.

"N-nothings happening si"-

The assistant, also known as Ethel Peabody, once again let a shock ripple throughout the patients body, only for the same result. Hugo however, refused to accept the facts, and once again ordered her repeat the process. She looked into his eyes as she once again put the machine on the man's chest.

This was a side of the Doctor that shocked her to her very being. She had been with him for years, through the highs, the lows, the times where he'd almost been killed to the times he's almost won. She was there when his tendencies to "correct" people seemed to overtake his very being, the human inside of him vanishing leaving only something akin the devil himself. She was there when his schizophrenia episodes spiral out of control, making his actions and emotion vary from full in ballistic to seemingly stuck in his own world.

But this, this was a side she'd never seen before. It was a side that she thought she'd never see in Strange, in fact she ruled out the possibility completely. After all, how could The Hugo Strange have sides like this.

A side of compassion.
A side of worry.
A side hopelessness.


Another jolt of electricity was ejected into the man, his body quivered ever so slightly, but that was all the reaction they got.

"His vitals aren't changi"-

The process seemed to repeat, over and over again, as electricity was continuously pumped into the he man. Yet, as the sound of the machine going off as well as the flatline continued to drown everything it, it began to sound distorted. Everything seemed to blur out, while the view of the situation began to slowly pan out backwards. Suddenly, a voice spoke.

"So you might be wondering how I ended up in this situation. Well, it's actually quite a short story. Yep, this is how I died"

Earlier in the day

You've done many things since entering this reality. You've killed the most infamous villain in DC in the Joker within your first 30 minutes of entering the comic book universe. You fought against Damian freaking Wayne, the blood-son of Batman and one of the Robins, and won. You fought the Ravager, a member of the Titans and Slade's daughter. Hell, you even managed to survive and by some miracle become partners with Doctor Hugo Motherfucking Strange.

'So then why is my heart beating like this'

2 different shades of blue clashed against each other. On coming from the sky while the other on the ground. It seemed to create a bright light that nearly blinded you, as stray bolts of electricity struck the ground near the area. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears.

A rapid barrage of beams were being traded between two flying figures. A seemingly never-ending turret of green and purple collided with each other in hundreds of different ways. The bodies where the blasts came from continued to swirl around each other, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Wonder filled your eyes.

Swirls of green and black energy seemed to battle against each other. It seemed that both energies were trying to consume each other. They both took on many different shapes and the owners of the beautiful play continued to try and overpower the other.

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