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The dark space around you began to collapse on itself. It was as if everything surrounding you and the woman began to swirl towards the middle of the ground in front of you both.

"What do you mean out of time!"

You could barely hear your own voice over the sound of everything breaking down around you, even though the only thing that surrounded you was....nothing.

"I mean our session for today is done of course. I had so many more questions but it seems you got yourself a Hero my little Skyfall"

Despite the fact you could barely hear yourself, her words rang loudly and clearly throughout the space around the swirl. As if she was undisturbed by everything going on in the world around them.

"I can't wait for our next meeting. Don't keep me waiting ok~"

As if her personality switched, her voice reverted back to the teasing tone she used when you first began conversing with her. Like nothing at all had happened

The last thing you could see was the woman, who's crimson hair swirled around her as if it were blood instead of hair.

Then the dark world disappeared, and everything went white.

"Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff"

Slade let out slow, yet deep breaths. He sat there, back against some debris that had formerly been apart of the Black Zones hospital. A consequence of the multiple collisions between the mercenary and the Hero.

"Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff"

The area around Slade was completely destroyed. No trace of human life could be found among the rubble, neither the entire hospital, as everyone had been evacuated the second word about gunfire being shot in the building was heard.

Deathstroke's single eye looked around the area that surrounded him, the destruction of a place meant to bring life.
How funny.


It began as a chuckle, but slowly morphed into full on laughter. Slade's only eye was visible for all to see, as a chunk of his mask had been blown off in the spot where Static had formerly grabbed it.

If one were to look in the hole that was on his mask, to look into his eyes, they would feel nothing but pure dread and fear.

That was the same feeling Static felt a few minutes prior, after his power had dispersed from the environment, and the dust had cleared after his attack.

When he looked into Slade's eyes, he knew that if the mercenary really wanted to, he could get up right there and then and kill him.

In fact, he knew that the mercenary was holding back during that fight on purpose, as if this was a test instead of the life and death battle Static felt it was.

Yet for some reason, all Deathstroke did was stare. It was a sight that would be engraved into the Hero's mind forever.

He knew that something was wrong, but he would rather escape from the Black Zone right there and then rather than staying another second with someone who had his life in the palm of their hand.

So Static threw all caution into the wind and grabbed whatever flat metal surface was in the area, limped onto it then flew off into the alleyways of the city.
All while Slade watched.

In current time, the mercenary, stood to his feet as if he hadn't received a blast that destroyed a quarter of an extremely large medical facility point blank.

"He realized that his powers didn't hurt me and instead kept going for moves that had more impact, forcing me to get hurt by the environment instead. But to think his raw power would destroy a piece of my mask that's been designed to completely ignore electricity....."

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