The True Protagonist Has Arrived

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Canary flipped backwards before you could recover in order for you to not take advantage of her position.

"You never trusted me from the beginning, did you?"
"You planned to backstab me, and I planned to backstab your backstabbing with my own backstab"
"Technically, I never lied"

She seemed visibly annoyed at the comment, cracking a few of her knuckles in response.

"Still not gonna give him up?"
"Nah I'm good"
"And here I thought you were a good boy"

She reached into her boot, taking out some sort of strap before wrapping it around her neck.

"Turns out you're a bad boy. Bad boys need to be punished"
'Shit got kinky real quick and that's probably a bad si- woah!'

You literally leaped out of the way of a Cry, one much bigger, louder, and all around more powerful than normal, or at least more so than the previous times you'd seen it. Evidence of that being how it decimated the doorway you guys both walked through.

You sprinted around and towards her, so even when she turned her head so that the Cry followed you you didn't get hit, however it did destroy a lot of the tables with food as well as furniture in the room.

You swung the bat at her legs, but she front flipped out of the way and you slightly passed her.

While she was still upside down, you changed your grip on the bat and swung your arms backwards, causing the hilt to connect directly into her forearms which she used to block it.

While finishing the flip, she kicked you directly in the shoulder one the way down, causing your balance to falter slightly. Immediately after she landed, Canary performed back kick that you barely managed to dodge by moving your head.

She twisted her outstretched foot so that it was pointing downwards and brought it down on the same shoulder from earlier, clipping it there in the process.

Right after she then jumped, clipping her other foot around your other shoulder and performing an inverted hurricarana, one that sent you back first into the ground with a thud.

She maneuvered her way on top of you just as you came to and managed to catch the bat's edge with one hand. So you you brought up the hilt to connect with the other side of her face, which she also caught.

This turned into a struggle as the both of you wrestled for control of the bat, with her grips being on the edges of the weapon and yours being farther inwards.

She managed to pin your already injured shoulder under her knee and began to push the bat downwards in an attempt to make you let go of it, but you refused.

It was during this predicament, that you realized something.

During the auction, the auctioneer displayed the bat's functions, that being how half of a batarang
would pop up on either side of the bat's end if the pressed the button on the hilt.

You managed to slide one of your hands down and past hers, gripping the hilt just as Canary managed to pin your other shoulder down with her other knee.

The weapon was getting uncomfortably close to your neck, with Canary looming over you and her blonde hair falling just short of reaching you.

Thankfully you just managed to find the button, but your panic, you clicked the button as many times as possible within a second.

Instead of the bat's "weapon mode" being activated, it shrank.

The bat retracted into itself, getting extremely small to the size of a marker.

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