The Stranger

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Ok so, I'm looking back on these chapters and I'm realizing mistakes such a spelling and I kinda rushed the story. I do believe that my writing gets better as this is my first story so I hope you don't mind. Also the jokes in this chapter are kinda bad, but I get better I PROMISE....I hope at least.

"WHAT TH"- Your mouth disappeared before you could continue, as you stared at the man? in front of you.

"Now now, listen here" He said in a comedic sounding voice, almost laughing despite the fact your mouth no longer existed.

He started to ramble, although you weren't paying that much attention due to the fact your brain was trying to comprehend where the heck you were.

A blank space surrounded you. Nothing but a white abyss that seemed to have no end.

Through all the madness and confusion, you did hear something about how "fun" it would be if you were sent there.
Another reason you weren't paying attention, was because this man looked....familiar?

He was extremely short, but also floating. 'Is he a fairy? Am I you dead? IS HE JESU'-
Your train of thought stopped completely as you noticed the small purple hat that barely fit on his head, and your mind made the connection immediately.

'No, that's impossible, it's a lie, if I'm dead why haven't I been isekai'd, isekai me, just get me away from him, please

On that last word your mouth returned, causing you to scream in the mans face. His head seemed to stretch back at the yell, unlike any ordinary being that's ever existed. But this was no ordinary man, this man was
"Mr Mxyztptlk. Or however the fuck you say it"

His grin grew wider, a little too wide, as his eyes shone with amusement and joy

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His grin grew wider, a little too wide, as his eyes shone with amusement and joy.

'Sadist, 100% a sadist'

"I WAS RIGHT, you guys do know about us, I was right I was right I was right" He laughed as he continued to repeat the phrase, muttering it.

"I wonder how you'll do in my favourite world Y/N" He spoke again, trying to contain his laughter, although he continued to let out short giggles. This was just SO FUNNY AFTER ALL.
You began to mutter as you stared at him, wide-eyed. You were probably having a mental breakdown. You were meeting a dimensional troll after all.

"This is a dream, it's not real, it's not. Lies, I'm drugged, or better yet dead. I refuse to believe this troll is talking to me. No, nope, kill me now if I'm alive, or wake me up if I'm asleep, just end this nightma"-

"TROLL?!?" The little man yelled out, his face red with anger. You could visible see the steam coming out from his ears. It interesting sight.

"I was gonna be nice to you and send you to a peaceful spot, but since you're so rude, I'll just have to give you a punishment" His grin grew wider as it turned into a sadistic one, his eyes shingling with joy and amusement, but also with a bit of malice.

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