Cassandra = Trauma To Outlet Man

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"I see I see I see"

Static nodded to himself while he stared at the now dual wielding woman in front of him.

"Now, I shall show you my true power as well"

Electricity came out in short bursts around Static's body, only for him to turn around and run a moment later.

'The power of the mind via a tactical retreat!' Static sprinted down the opposite direction of Cassandra, or more specifically to the elevators or one of two flights of stairs.

Looking behind him as he sprinted, Static saw the assassin running at him full force, which motivated to move his legs quicker.


Static allowed energy to gather in his arms and sent out a few waves of energy behind him by waving his limbs.

Cassandra dodged the first two by doing a backflip whilst running forward, missing the first one that went past where she was previously and managing to rotate in time to not get hit with the other one, letting it pass over her head.
She landed into a run perfectly.

She used her forearms, which Static now noticed were covered in a material that also covered different parts of her outfit, to disperse the next three that came her way by crossing them, continuing her charge.

'So those are the insulators. What's she using? And why is she after me? So far she hasn't given the impression that she'd talk- woah!'

She did a javelin throw with her sword, which Static barely managed to avoid from hitting his leg. Sadly, the lost time was all she needed to catch up.

She leaped, and Static barely had enough time to hastily make two daggers of electricity, cross them over one another, and spun his body around to block the incoming sword strike.

The second Static felt the impact, he truly felt how unreasonably strong Cassandra was despite her small stature. The weapons of electricity dispersed on impact, but they did their job of slowing down the blade.

Static was falling backwards due to the collision, and until he hit the ground, the blade wouldn't reach him even with Cassandra's dominant position over him due to, as stated earlier, the daggers doing their job.

However, he wouldn't stay still. The second his back touched the ground he brought his legs upwards and pushed, launching the also falling Cassandra overhead and managing to not get cut.

Cassandra rolled with the momentum when she touched the ground, grabbing the weapon she had thrown earlier in the process.

Both her and Static were in knelt down positions, each one staring at each other, the only difference ending the blades in the assassins hands and the fact Static was panting from his running.

'What do I do? I can't outrun her, she's resistant to electricity due to whatever she's wearing, I can't win in a straight up fight, I don't have my Saucer, and I'm still not 100% not to mention I need to help Y/N. Time, I need time to think of a plan'

"Why are you targeting me?"

Instead of answering, Cassandra's grip on her weapons tightened. Her swords moving slightly upwards in the process.

"Why now? What you're doing doesn't make sense with what I know of y"-

She finally spoke, although curtly and with only a single word. But the fact she spoke at all gave Static a chance to rack his brain.

"Curious. As- to, why?"
"Why what?"

Although he wanted her to keep talking so he had more time, he also couldn't help but be immensely concerned on why someone of Casssandra's skill level was trying to kill him.

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