To Hell With It All

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(For some reason my previous chapter despite being posted after the Authors Note is set in a way where you read the last chapter I posted then the Authors Note. So if the last thing you read was the Authors note double check that the chapter before that ended with "Bullseye")

Your head snapped back from the recoil. The sudden force made both Livewire and Katana each let go as if on instinct, letting your head drop face first onto the ground.

No one spoke. And for a few moments everyone just stared at your body. You laid there, unmoving. Not even a final gasp or cry of pain. Just....dead.

"Holy shit"

Harley fell butt-first onto the ground, holding her head as she did so. As if a switch was flipped the rest (besides Katana) began to converse.

"The fuck took you so long to shoot!"
"I needed a clean shot, I only had two bullets left and on the off chance he suddenly knew where I was aiming and made it a non-lethal contact. Also I don't want to hear this from you you useless bitch! Do you need to be plugged in or something for your powers to actually fucking work!?!"
"That's not how it works! Besides I can at least shock freaking Superman, so I don't understand how a regular human wouldn't be able to feel anything!"
"Guys guys, we're all stressed out a need time to unwi"-
"Shut it bug-boy"

Both spoke in unison at that last part, not even sparing a glance at Manta but instead continuing to glare at each other. Before Manta could interject once more they were already at it again.

"The only reason I was here was for a worse case scenario. The other superpowered prisoners are doing other missions, and she thought she didn't need to send anyone like freaking King Shark so she only sent the expendables"

Deadshot pointed his gun at Livewire's head. His finger on the trigger. While Livewire allowed some electricity to crackle and seemingly dance along her finger tips, holding both her hands to her sides in a threatening manner.

"You gonna insult me like that again"
"You gonna shoot me?"
"I still got one bullet left"
"Then I wonder how you'll shoot when your brain is fried"


Harley was the one that interjected. She was now sitting criss-cross on the floor, special bat layed down beside her.

"My whole body hurts, and we just killed the one that killed Mistah J, so I need some peace and quiet PLEASE" ima be honest that please at the end seemed more threatening than anything.

"That was close, a little too close for someone who's supposed to not have powers"

Manta decided to turn the conversation in a way so that they didn't end up trying to kill each other, and to his credit, it worked.

"With the amount of blood he lost he probably could've saved millions of lives"
"Well aren't you thinking about the sick? How nice of you Harley. Didn't you kill a bunch of inmates when helping Joker escape?"
"Don't speak his name you cable-fucker"
"Whatever you say"
"He reminded me of Batman"

All eyes turned to Deadshot, who had taken out his remaining bullet. He twirled it around his fingers as he spoke.

"Able to fight off multiple enemies at once, make us feel afraid, and don't act like you weren't when he stood up and declared he was at least taking 3 of us down"

Livewire's opened mouth clamped shut.

"Able to survive and fight with wounds that any normal man should be be able to, seemingly undeniable luck with women and"-

"Woah woah woah slow down there bud, Batman may have good luck with women but Nightwing ranks higher in that regard"
"I gotta agree with you there miss "I-give-head-to-chargers""

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