A Doctor Who Can't Heal

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3 days. That was how long you were willing to stay with Black Mask to recover.

Although you were now "partners" with the crime lord, you still didn't trust him. And staying too long would be seen as a show of weakness on your part or something he could hold over your head in the future. At least, that was what you rationalized.

You didn't really get a choice for the first two days either, since a few seconds after you agreed to Black's proposal you failed to keep yourself awake due to your injuries and fell unconscious. A two-day coma that your body used to recover, but your wounds didn't close due to the constant thrashing in your sleep.

Your dreams were plagued by the woman with crimson hair.

Even with this time, you were still nowhere near recovered. But you could walk, that being with immense pain in your ribs, back, and legs.

The burns on your body had settled, and you knew they'd be gone within a week. Something, along with the abnormal healing of your ribs so that even though they broke, they wouldn't remain cracked like a normal person's would, the doctors took notice and undoubtedly reported.

A few new scars had also been added to your body, some of them healing so that they were barely visible but others being very much so to the human eye, which just caused you to let out a sigh as more were added into your body.

It took a lot of protesting, as well as going against the doctors' orders, but you stopped resting and maseyour way to Black to discuss leaving.

It was easy. Almost too easy for your liking to negotiate a way out of the Outskirts, since according to Black, that's where this specific base was located at.

You wouldn't survive making it to the bridge from where you were even though it was only the Outskirts, but, to your disgust, Black had a few border patrol members under him.

Well, not exactly under him, but under the Lords. According to Black, he was forced to bribe the Lords' men since anytime someone else from Gotham's notorious tried to plant men within the patrols, they were sadly the victims of unfortunate accidents or violent gang attacks.

"Truly heartbreaking" In the press' own words.

Black even gave you a personal squad to escort you to the bridge due to your sorry state, something you were grateful yet wary of, although you didn't let that show.

After confirming that there was no longer a tracking device on you, and Black giving you a burner phone to contact him with, you were off.

It was your first time truly taking the Outskirts in. The limo ride to the auction was too tense for you to take in your surroundings, but now you could.

It was eerie. The glass that littered the streets, the random fires scattered throughout the area, the only vehicles being ones flipped over. This is without even mentioning the odd person or group that sat huddled up on the street, wheezing or tending to a missing limb, a few weapons on the gang-like groups as well.

You hated it. Hated looking at what you thought you were inadvertently responsible for causing. But, you did anyways. In your own thoughts, it was the least you could do.

A few noticed your little group of 4, but once they saw everyone in the mini parade, including you, wearing a black mask, they looked away hurriedly and with fear.

'I wonder how many of them would try to kill me if I was by myself and didn't have this mask' The thought breezed by, and you looked up at the starless sky of Gotham.

'I want this to end. I want everything to end so badly, but I'm not close. None of the Lords are gone, Gotham is still a living hell- it all feels so far away'

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