The Final Minute

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Static stood there, panting as blood dripped down his face. From what wounds he didn't know, he only knew that somewhere along the line his cheek had been slashed.

His arm uselessly dangled to the side, limp as he breathed heavily. The throwing knife still embedded in the back of his leg not helping his situation.


Looking around, if he had anything left in his stomach he would've vomited.

Two of the things he had been fighting earlier laid on the ground, headless while two more were face down and unmoving with blood dripping out of the floor beneath them.

Static's single hand scrunched up into a fist, but he slowly let it go.

Dropping to the ground beside you, Static put his head on your slashed chest, and thankfully found a heartbeat.

'Shit. This isn't good' He almost laughed.

You were unconscious, he was an arm down and on the brink of collapsing, and from what he saw and heard as he nearly fell down the stairs to this floor, this place was crawling with more of those things.

Static's mind wandered back to Nightwing, to the offer to go back with him. To go home. To get out of this mess with almost no repercussions.

A single thought pushed the recent memories aside.

'I regret hurting them. I regret it every single second of every single day but.......I couldn't just leave'
Looking down at your face and your peaceful smile, Static let out a sigh as he stared at the ground.

"But the minute you let those demons put someone who's supposed put their life into your hands in danger, how are they supposed to trust you enough to put their life into your hands a second time?"

"You did y'know. Put your life in my hands a second time, even though I was offered to leave you here. You even smiled when you saw me. Asshole. I know I messed up last time but how am I supposed to get us out of this one?" Although he was saying this, there was a tired, shaky smile on his face, as he put his Saucer on the ground beside you.

"It's funny" Half lifting your body up, he cautiously began to drag you onto the Saucer after tucking the sword that was in your hand into the space between your back and torn up suit.

"Even though we haven't known each other that long. You trust me with your life and I trust you with mine. And for what? For a favour I asked you?"

Setting you on it, Static shakily got his feet, favouring one of his legs.

"I feel like it's more than that now. Like saving Gotham isn't just a favour I'm asking you. But something we both want, something bigger than us"

"Which is why, Y/N"

Lifting the Saucer up with your prone body on it, Static put a hand on it for support to keep himself standing. The thought of Nightwing's offer leaving him completely.

"From now on it's me, you, and Doc against the world"

Using the Saucer as leverage, Static limped throughout the hallways, holding onto it with one hand to ensure he didn't fall over.

His vision was a bit blurrier than usual and the numerous cuts, coupled with definite broken ribs made walking just that much more painful. Still, he carried on.

To Static's joy, there were no more of those things on this floor, and Static made his way to the elevator with a single goal in mind.

The 15th floor.

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