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"I'm sure it's fine. Surely, tis nothing of importance, so why awaken thou beast?"

That was how you justified not telling Hugo or Static about what you were doing as you walked over to the inmate side of the Asylum.

'Just a few questions, that's all I'll be asking. Besides, they're doing their own things and I don't want to start an argument. Also, Static might ask to come with'

The former? Hero bringing a blade of electricity to the Lord's neck a few weeks previous came to mind.

'I don't think he's ready to meet Freeze' A somewhat serious expression was on your face, your shaky smile from earlier vanishing.

'Hell, I probably shouldn't be meeting him right now either. Still, I have to ask him a few questions'

Stopping, you realized you were about to enter the cafeteria of this side of the Asylum, the one meant for inmates.

'Great, I took a wrong turn'

Annoyed, you retraced your steps and took a left instead of a right. Soon after making your way forwards, you turned and made it to a corridor of cells.

Instantly, you knew Freeze was here due to how low the temperature was. In actuality it was barely a shift, but because of how hyper aware you were you noticed it.

Walking down the corridor, you peered into each of the cells, noticing how individualized most of them were.

'Looks like the Rogue Gallery got comfortable' Sighing, you continued your walk for a few more paces.

Finally, you stopped. Like a few before, the cell you were in front of didn't have any bars, but rather a screen that you could instantly tell was bullet proof.

There was no door to the room, only a small opening where food was given and a mechanism beside the screen that looked like it required a keycard. One Hugo most definitely had.

'It's cold' You gently pressed a hand against the screen. 'Cold, and bullet proof. Reminds me of Canada'

"Look at you, special treatment ay?" Chuckling, you noticed someone on the inside shift.

From his bed within the cell, you saw Mr. Freeze rise from his position on his bed with no blanket.

He had no suit on, and instead was wearing an orange inmate suit that looked different in texture from the standard uniform. 'Probably a modified set the Asylum had so he could retain his below-zero temperatures'

There were a few other things in the fairly large room, but you didn't care to notice as you maintained eye contact with Freeze.

Noticing a chair leaned against the wall next to the cell, you pulled it up and sat down.

"I mean, this is like vacation weather to you right?" Scoffing, you watched as the Lord, or former? Lord moved from his heatless bed and to a chair that directly mirrored yours.

'Hugo's been talking to him a lot' Taking note of that, you waited until the Lord finally spoke.

"No vacation, simply necessary for me to survive. This pathetic suit and cell were designed specifically for me thanks to the funding the Asylum's gotten in the past decade or so"

Simply the way he spoke felt wrong, more machine than man. A perfect impassiveness that you recognized he wasn't doing on purpose, yet that I'm of itself made it all the more eerie.

"Guess you've been in here a lot then" More a statement than a question, the Lord responded. "I suppose I have. Why, are you implying a should be flattered at my accommodations?"

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