A New Reality

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Ps: This chapter won't have as many jokes in the beginning due to the fact I kinda want to make it a little realistic. I mean how would you react suddenly finding yourself in the DC universe, and you just killed the Joker. So yeah it will be more of a reality check. Although most of it will be off-screen because I don't trust myself to write a mental breakdown of that magnitude.

Although there definitely isn't a shortage of jokes

Also how TF am I 20 in Harlequin and she ain't even in the story yet?
Explain this logic to me.

"Well Fuck"
You smashed your head into the alley's wall, promptly knocking yourself out.

Forcing yourself up you let out a groan. Your head hurt, your vision was blurry and dizzy, but that was fine.

'Meh, it's probably just a concussion'

Propping yourself up against the wall of the alleyway, you looked at the corpse near you, your brain still trying to process what was going on.

"The Joker"

The name left a bad taste in your tongue. Sure you liked comics, DC, Marvel, etc but what were you doing IN one of them?

Not to mention the D comics were the last place you wanted to be in.

Sure the obvious threats would be all powerful villains, like Doomsday or Apocalypse, maybe even General Zod, or EVERY SUPERMAN VILLAIN. But the ones you feared the most were Batman's Rogue Gallery.

And the one that always made your skin crawl just by thinking about them, was laying in front if you, maniacally grinning as he faced death.

He was proof of how twisted a human could become, how demented and warped the brain can become to the point where insanity is the normal and trying to do good is impossible if it does not line up with your oppression. Your own twisted sense of reality.

He was a reminder that the worst of humanity can rival the worst of beings that you can consider gods.

He reminded you of your "family".

"Or should I call you Jack? You crazy bastard"
A small chuckle left your lips as you looked into the night sky. You came to the realization that you just can't accept this; this whole situation. It didn't make sense.

But it was now your reality. He was proof, the body laying next to you was the proof. The reporter was the proof. The way people reacted when he was announced to be seen near the street was the proof. The fact you woke up in Gotham was the proof.

So you did the only logical thing. You fell asleep.

"That would be $25.99 sir"

'Just say $26 asshole'
"Oh yeah sure"

Taking your newly acquired item, you began to walk towards the "Gotham Natural Park".
It's been 3 days since you....arrived? You spent the first two merely sitting in one spot, trying to process everything.

It should be simple right? You were in the DC universe. It was an easy conclusion.
But it wasn't.

For a second you thought that you truly went insane trying to make sense of it all. You don't just end up in an alternate universe, a comic universe no less. You don't just end up in Gotham City.
You don't just end up KILLING THE FRICKIN JOKER.

It was overwhelming, hell there was even a point in time where it felt your brain tried to rack as much information about this world as possible without you even attempting to recall those memories yourself. It almost felt like you were going insane.

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