Without A Body

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Zatanna had one hand around her side to support her broken ribs, while with the other she held her trademark wand.

"Dnesca" She spoke evenly, and from her position in an alleyway she began to float.

As she proceeded upwards, the air stung the cut on the front of her neck, one deep enough to draw blood but shallow enough to not even be close to lethal. Such preciseness belonged only to those who knew how to use weapons on a godly scale.

There was a certain shakiness in her body, but her expression remained fixed as she fell deeper into thought.


At the command, her body stopped moving upwards, and she landed on the balcony she had come from earlier in the night.

Landing gracefully, the magician looked behind her, her mind a storm as she stared into Gotham. A Gotham that, after tonight, had changed drastically.

"I'm not really the type of girl to follow rules, but you should know better, Zatanna"

Canary, who was leaning against the entrance to the balcony from outside, spoke in a slightly amused tone of voice.

At the lack of comeback or even response, Canary pushed herself off from her spot and looked at her friend with concern.

"Are you"-
"A Lord has fallen"

Those words caused Canary to visibly recoil in shock, while Zatanna simply continued to stare, a hand grasping the mark on her neck.

"Wh-What are you...? Who?!" Urgency made itself known in Canary's question, one that Zatanna responded to in the same tone of voice she'd been using since she arrived.

"Mr. Freeze. And before you ask for proof, I was an audience member, I saw what happened" Turning around, she stared Canary in the eyes.

"Y/N and Static, they took down Mr. Freeze"

A figure sat on a shore, their position being on the sand and their legs outstretched so that faint waves would submerge them, and eventually subside.

It was night, and the stars could be seen in the sky. Similarly, the water in front of the figure was lit up, as if a trail of stars themselves was submerged in the water.

The person continued to stare at that trail, their eyes holding a fogginess that seemed to have grasped over their mind. With each passing wave that came and went, it was as if it were a tick in that person's mind. Until, despite the water going at the same pace it always had, it became too overwhelming and the figure moved themselves backwards before the next wave could reach them.

Gasping, they tried to contain their involuntary breaths and only breathed through their nose, an attempt to calm themselves down as they remained fixated on the starry trail in the water.

"The Maldives are beautiful, aren't they?"

The figure didn't react to the male voice that was spoken behind and slightly to the side of them, and from the corner of their vision they could see the newcomer's legs as they stood on the sand.

"..............Yeah" For the first time, the figure spoke, their voice feminine and quiet.

"It doesn't get boring no matter how many times you see it. I mean, the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower got stale by the second time!" With a bit of a laugh, the man exclaimed his thoughts with a smile on his face.

Despite the fact it was night, he was dressed as if he had come to the beach to swim. A completely unbuttoned tropical shirt which revealed his toned, but also visibly scarred upper body. This was matched with swimming shorts and sandals, even though the man was wearing sandglasses that covered his eyes. It was an odd choice of clothing considering it was night and well, there was no sun.

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