I Hate Rich People

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The last few items had been dull to say the least.

After the start it had, with a signature possession of the Joker, the more recent items had been rather boring in comparison.

A "priceless" piece of art. Another "priceless" jewelry set belonging to a former president's wife.

You realized you weren't the only one feeling this way. The items were still being bid on, but you could see how impatient the crowd was below you.

They were waiting for the good stuff, and so were you. There had to be more to show than items like this if it warranted creating an auction like this from the Lords.


Unlike before, the auctioneer was no longer faking his enthusiasm. He seemed genuinely ecstatic, and due to this most of the participants started paying attention.

"I'm sure you all remember the Darkseid invasion correct?"
Now that got everyone's attention.

"Well, it seems a certain Hero lost one of their most important items in that battle. And that very same item IS HERE TODAY!!!"


"Our very next object on display is none other but a single bracelet given the name the Bracelet of Aegis or more commonly known, one half of the Bracelet of Submission!! The very same one worn by Wonder Woman herself!!!"

The crowd let out visible reactions of shock, while you bit your thumb.

'The one that can reflect bullets? She lost it during the invasion? Even if someone here buys it, unless they're good in combat they won't know how to use it. So maybe they won't'-

"7 million!"
"12 million!"
"19 million!"

'Ah, I forgot. To them it's like having a weapon from the gods. Even if they don't know how to use it they still desperately want it'

"37 million"
"59 million"
"82 million"

All three of those last bids came from the VIP rooms, making a piece of you die and crack away with each increase.

"400 million"
"700 million"

'How the fuck did it go from 37 mill to 700?!"

"1.2 billion"
"1.4 billion"
"1.45 billion"

Everyone looked at the VIP screens as they continued to up the price to an unprecedented amount.

"5.9 billion"
"8.7 billion"
"11.2 billion"
"30 billion"

Finally, at that final bid, no other screens lit up to indicate a higher amount.


The auctioneer didn't even check to see if anyone else would go for it, and instead called the item, giving it a new owner.

You watched as the golden bracelets, which were in a glass display were wheeled off into the backstage area.

The crowd were now very much awake and paying full attention, and probably would be for the rest of the event. It featured an item from the Justice League so it was already an event worth coming to.

Well Fu-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant