First Step

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Truly, the only thing Static could do was stare with his mouth slightly open, in utter shock and disbelief at the sight that lay before him.

The frozen bodies that laid within their capsules seemed unconscious, but the tubes within the capsules seemed to pump ever so slightly amongst the freezing water that surrounded their prone bodies.

Numerous tubes holding different colour liquids seemed hooked up to each capsule, the amount and types of colour being different for each individual container.

'Why are there.....' Static looked on to the rows and rows of this.

'So many?'

He felt his stomach heave slightly as he bent over, instinctively putting a hand over his mouth.

Resisting the urge to throw up, Static struggled with the sensation as his moved his eyes to look back at the nearly alien-scene in front of him.

'Who could do this to someone? To all these people?'

With shaky breaths at the effort it took not to be sick, Static stood up properly, never tearing his gaze away from the sight before him.

'What kind of person......what kind of human......oh'

The last thought in Static's head, seemed to hit him like an epiphany.

'I get it now'

It was so enlightening to him, that Static didn't even notice the dropping of a tablet a few feet away from him.

A researcher who was doing a routine check stumbled across the former? Hero, but instead of doing anything, he froze.

He did this because although the face of Static was empty, almost blurred out due to the researcher's warped perception under his pressure, it was his eyes.

His eyes held so much emotion, so much anger, so much rage that the researched physically found himself unable to move. He could only stare with his mouth slightly agape.

'Whoever did this'

Static's eyes slowly moved to meet the researcher, but despite this it was as if he didn't even see him. A faint flicker of blue was added into the colours of the room, as Static's pupils lit up in a sparkling crackle of electricity.

'Couldn't have been human'

The area was lit up faintly as a single shot rang out throughout the factory.

Immediately after, the rest of the group of guards trained their guns on where one of their members had shot, only to find nothing.


A shouting match erupted between the guard who initially opened fire and one near him.

"I thought there was okay! You can never be too careful"
"But now he probably knows where we are!"
"I'm sorry okay! It's just ever since- where did Fred go?"

Those words ceased the argument, as all the guards in the group looked next to the pair of screaming lackeys, only to find that the man who had just been beside them had now vanished.

"Fred!" One of them called out to the flickering darkness around them, but to no avail.

"Fuck fuck fuck not again, not again" One of them began to mutter.

"Relax, breathe. I know what you're thinking and it can't be him, if he shows up Gotham becomes unrepairable. Try to"- The guard's words were cut off by the unmistakable sound of a machine being started.

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