Chapter 1 End, The Birth Of An Uprising

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You weren't sure about how long you were laying there. In fact, you weren't sure about anything.

'Am I about to die?'

That feeling, the same one you got when you let out one final, a defiant yell at the Squad began to swirl in the back of your mind.

Truly, you had been hurt before. Many times over you've suffered injuries that should've killed any other person, your scars were a reminder of that.

However, this was different. Even more so than the Auction.

Ever since the fight had started, you had continued to act and move physically as if you were fine, with only glimpses of the strain on your body present throughout.

It wasn't due your body managing to continue to fight, in fact, even with how enhanced and inhuman your body was, it had given out long ago.

Rather, it was your will. The sheer, unfiltered need to keep going had pulled your destroyed and tattered body like a puppet on strings, willing an already broken toy to keep dancing despite falling apart.

Except now, the strings were being set down, and you were left to deal with the aftermath. The aftermath that came with that ever-present defiance of yours.

Two holes penetrated through your midsection, something that would've killed or at the very least, permanently put someone in a bed for months.

Your ribs, which weren't even completely healed from your previous encounters in this world, had been cracked and splintered. Even now, some of the broken off pieces were piercing your internals, causing blood to rise in the back of your throat from your laid down position. That wasn't made better by the continuous hits that Freeze had delivered to them with his monstrous strength.

All of this was without mentioning the numerous bullets which were swirling within your limbs, your arms and legs' continues sudden movements only driving them deeper

Another wave of lightheadedness nearly put you out. Whether permanently or not was unknown, but it was a fact that the world nearly went black.

Choked breaths left your body at it's almost pitying attempt to breathe, as from your position on the ground it was a very well possibility that you could drown in your own blood.

There wasn't a point in moving your arms. They felt teared, as if every muscle within them had been ripped apart in the final jagged movements you had done before your body gave out.

Unfortunately, your legs were in the same state. The speed you used, the pure limits of your body that you broke in that split second would've put you out if you were at 100%. However, in your body's corpse-like state, it was a death sentence.

'Can I.........let go now?'

The thought was nearly blissful. Your current state of body was probably the worst it's ever been, something you didn't think possible with how much you went through in your original world. In fact, there were only two other times that ever felt comparable to the agony you were in back on your original earth.

Breaking limits was an accomplishment, yet the limits you had in place were there for a reason.

However, that was in your world. A world not normal, a world changing, but not as outlandish as this one. Not where a man could destroy a city and more with a single punch, like what was possible in DC.

'I mean we did it, or at least I think we did. Can't tell from where I am'

It was silent. Although you weren't sure if that was reality, or if it was because your state of mind was waning along with your battered form.

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