A Bird. A Magician. A Shock. And A Maniac

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Almost in a panic, Zatanna began to float upwards to the hole in the ceiling, a look of worry on her face.

'No no no'

Static began to shoot multiple blasts of energy at the magician, who dashed and weaved her way around each one.

Seeing as that wasn't going to work, Static looked up to where Zatanna was planning on going.

It was daunting. The distance between him and the roof was huge, but he still had to try something other than blasting wildly if he wanted to take advantage of the chance you had given him.

From his hands, Static let out two thin rays of blue that shot up into the sky, connecting the metal that surrounded the different glass tiles on the ceiling.

Using his arms, he began to try and pull his ray back, another glass tile breaking as she did so.

He put more strength into it, his arms shaking as the roof's weight fought against him.

Zatanna was getting even closer to the hole where he'd sent you.

As he began to pull, this time with all his might, something changed.

The rays, which were unrefined and uneven, began to correct themselves.

Its edges straightened, the random crackle's emanating from it stopped, and it began to look like a solid line of energy.

Now with a more stable form Static let out one final grunt as he pulled as hard as he possibly could.

And every piece of metal and glass on the roof came crumbling down.

Zatanna attempted to dodge the major pieces that fell, avoiding getting hit by multiple metal beams, but multiple small glass shards began to cut her skin as she still attempted to reach the top.


A purple form of energy took the position of a half circle as it blocked any oncoming pieces of ceiling, although Zatanna had to sit completely still as she concentrated on holding the rubble back, even being forced down slightly with every collisions

Sadly, she had forgotten the fact that she was also in the presence of another.

A blast of electricity slammed into Zatanna's side, making her go flying onto the second floor, her back connecting directly with the wall.

Static fell to his knees, his breath uneven as he attempted to get some of it back.

The fight with Canary and Zatanna, receiving a direct hit from Canary's Cry, then Zatanna again, then another hit with the Cry, then pulling a roof down, it was quite obvious Static was beyond exhausted, close to collapsing even.

He attempted to back up, but a pain shot through his leg, the one that a certain mercenary had broken many days prior.

He had been attacked there multiple times during the fight, and had been using his powers like a cushion, protecting and making him not feel its effects.

Only the power he was using to sustain that leg had now been completely drained from him.

Suddenly, a familiar Cry echoed throughout the open space, originating from the rooftop.

This in turn caused whatever glass that hadn't broken on the ceiling to now shatter, and it shattered directly over Static.

Putting up a thin barrier with whatever strength he could muster, Static was buried in shards.

'A sword would be really nice right about now. Couldn't Static have just taken my weapons when he saved my life? Honestly, he should be grateful I haven't complained about it to him'

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