Ride On The Rumour Train *WHOOP* (And Trauma)

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"Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, or Catwoman" A brown haired man questioned, causing the two men next to him to let out sighs at the difficulty of what was being asked of them.

"You can't do that"
"That's just unfair"

They both voiced their objections from their positions leaned against a metallic wall made of scrap, a cigarette in one of the men's hands which seemed ironic given the ashy colour of his hair.

"Now now gentlemen, pick!" The one who asked the question was sitting on the ground, looking up at the other two with a pistol seated beside him.

"Nah, let's stop here. The deal should be starting soon so we should look more vigilant, doubt the Penguin would take in slackers" Was his response, taking another huff from his cigarette and sitting down on a nearby pile of scrap while doing so.

"Oh c'mon Shawn! We're only securing the border, it's not like his men are gonna see us. Let's just have some fun, the other night watches we've done have been booooring" He whined, but it was similar to his laugh in that it was hyena-like in nature.

"I already said n"-
"We'll let the new recruit decide!" Interrupting Shawn, he turned his head to the man still leaning against the scrapyard of a wall.

".............Sure?" Responding carefully, the blonde winced at the uncertainty of what his answer should've been.

"Well done, now I'll go first" Clasping his hands together, the man seemed quite happy as he finally had something to relieve his boredom.

"Poison Ivy 100%"
"Simply incorrect" Shawn, the man with the cigarette, instantly responded to the ringleader.

"What do you mean false? I chose the only right answer"
"She's green, also you have a better option"
"She's hot. Also, her powers are hot. Therefor, she's only right choice"
"Being forcefully taken under her control after a smooch is hot to you?"
"Hell yeah"

Shaking his head as if he were a wise sage to his apprentice, Shawn paused his smoking.

"Ugh" The instigator sneered.

"You say that but, in fact, you're fucking wrong"

Sighing, the instigator decided to further explain his point of view. "She's a temptress. Tight leather clothes, whole black cat thing. She'll toy with you but never actually do anything with you"

"Kinda into the chase though"
"You'll never get anything out of it"
"And you will with Ivy?"
"What can I say, at least I get a kiss"

Rolling his eyes after realizing his friend was too set on, in his mind, useless interests, Shawn turned to the other man in their party that had yet to speak their mind.

"What about you rookie? Which one would you choose. We need a tiebreaker"

"I think we can all see from earlier that he's a man of reason, so he'll pick the right one" From his spot on the ground, the instigator of all of this looked up at the man in question comedically threateningly.


For a second, both men blankly stared at the rookie as if not processing his words. Once they did though, Shawn started to cough from the shock and the other one just started laughing.

"Gotta say new recruit you're fucking wild! Really?! Harley?! That Clown's bitch?! She's a different BREED of crazy- are you even from Gotham???!!" He half-yelled through his laughter, and a chuckle came from Shawn.

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