A Gift

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"For th...........in front of you..............will increa..."

You weren't paying attention to whatever the voice of Zatanna talking to you was saying. Everything was just going by like a blur.

You weren't all there. You couldn't even care less about where you were, or the space you suddenly found yourself in.

Using your hands you checked over yourself, patting yourself on the chest. Making sure you were still whole.

When you crumpled or vanished or....I don't know out of whatever space that was, instead of pain, you only felt empty.

That feeling had disappeared, but the others you were feeling had not.

'He was right in front of me'

You'd only seen the 5th dimensional being twice, twice. That was it.

The first time was when you found yourself in a space that didn't make sense, and were then brought into this world.

The second time was when you were about to die, and you saw him appear in the background, tipping his hat off to you with a grin on his face.

In the first situation you thought you were dreaming. While in the second there simply nothing you could do.

And yet a third meeting between you two happened, the first proper one you could say.

So you asked him. When you had finally cleared your mind of the urge to rip out his spine and shove it down his throat, you asked him the question that was most important.

"Will you ever send me back?"

It was a simple question, but one that had been nagging in the back of your brain since you got here. Would someone like him ever send you back to your earth? Your home?

"That isn't my choice to make"

'What the fuck does that mean'

You put your hands on either side of your face, as if it would help the pain coming from your head.

'What the fuck do you mean it isn't up to you?'

You just wanted a few answers. Why you were chosen out of all people to come here. Why when you were just starting to live a normal live back on earth you were suddenly thrusted into a universe where gods and monsters were created. Aren't those the things anyone in this situation would ask? No matter who they were? And yet, you were denied even that.

'You brought me here, but you can't bring me back?! Is your amusement that fucking precious to you that you won't even give me a straight answer!!? Do you want me to mull over what you said?! Try and find some hidden meaning behind your words you fucking excuse of a troll'

To say you were upset would've been an understatement.

'And gift? That bastard's given me a gift! Am I supposed to be GRATEFUL?!'


You couldn't think about this now- break down now. Finding a way home was your end goal, but currently, it wasn't the main one.

The main one was saving Gotham.

You could think about this later, but currently, there was a high chance the powerhouse of your little group was in trouble. And the chances of saving Gotham without him were.........let's just say less than favourable.

Shaking your head, you stood to your feet and blocked out what just happened from your mind, you could think about it after you got out of here.

And when you finally took in your surroundings, you were more than confused.

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