Things Just Went From Bad To F*****

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"I mean, let's be honest here. When you get pushed to your limits you block out your pain sensors and rely only on your base instincts. It's the only reason you're alive after all. You could never win a fight against the Squad as you are now and come out without dying"

"I could care less about your analogy of my fights. Since that won't really help you when you're dead"

"Look at you. Losing yourself to your prime instinct to kill, a perfect weapon in human form"

"What's your point in all of this"

"My point is that you're losing your humanity. Or whatever's left of it anyways"

"That's not true"

"Oh but it is! You don't need to deny it, after all isn't that our goal? You've become something better, something beyond human"

"That's w"-

"Yes, I know, "That's why I reverted" right? To keep what's left of your humanity? Does that even matter anymore?"

"What are you s"-

"You still don't realize it do you? Even during the fight with the Squad you considered "Unlocking" another one. Even unconsciously you can't hold yourself back. You can't stop your body from going beyond human limits"

"So why hold back at all? Embrace it! Become what you were meant to be! The next step of evolution for mankind! The perfect weapon! Why not become what you need to be?!"

A maniac smile graced the woman's lips, as both her hands grasped either side of your shoulders. You could imagine that familiar gleam of insanity in her eyes if she had them.

"Because I made a promise"

"Well, you're dead"

Static immediately grabbed the smashed up cart he threw earlier and threw it towards one of the rooms walls, breaking it in the process.

Static without hesitation ran through the hole and into one of the hospitals hallways. Putting on his mask during the action.

And was met with Deathstroke on the opposite end as him.

"You're just that predictable"

At that moment a turret sprung up from behind Static on his end of the hallway.


Static leaped into one of the doors in hallway, right into a patients room.

Right after the sound of bullets being fired could be heard from the hallway.

Getting up on shaky legs, Static leaned against the back wall of the room. At that moment a gasp drew Statics attention.

Looking up at the hospital bed he saw multiple nurses and doctors holding what appeared to be a newborn.

He looked at the mother who was laying on the hospital bed.


Still wide-eyed, the mother nodded.

"You'll make a great mom"

A beeping sound suddenly began to emit from a nightstand beside the mother, and began to increase in intensity.

'Beeping? Why- SHIT'

Using his powers, Static yanked the beeping cart towards the only place besides the group, himself.

Not a moment later, a mini explosion filled the room, sending Static through the back wall and into another patients room.


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