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"I am pure  s p e e d!"

You yelled out behind you as you jumped square looking thing, before leaping off of it onto the next rooftop. You held both of your swords by the handles in your grasp, the sound of the blades slicing through air only being heard by you. The wind whipped against your body, causing your H/C hair to go out of control behind you. Your eyes widened and the adrenaline pumping through your veins made you ignore the pain in your body.

For now at least.

You jumped and rolled, ending it with you on your feet and sprinting like madmen. You didn't know what to do, since you couldn't just go back to base with them tailing you. Your best bet was to wait until Strange came up with something or lose them. This was a dumb, dumb idea but the thought of being "interrogated" and having a bomb in your head and serving the rest for your life to that fucking pig was worse.

You could hear Harley behind you uttering curses as she somersaulted over the box onto the rooftop, sticking the landing perfectly.
"I liked the view!"
You yelled out behind you as you continued to run, referring to when she was mid-somersault. The footsteps behind you seemed to get even quicker.


You spun your body around, narrowly avoiding a trident which skewered itself onto this rooftops entrance door. You continued to run without stopping, yet the sound of crumbling bricks made you spin your body again, avoiding the trident as it went flying back to its owner. A weird metallic sound could be heard as the three tipped staff returned back to its weilder.

"YOU THOR RIP OFF" you were so distracted by Manta, that you didn't realize Harley had caught up to you in your distracted state. She swung her bat, and it made direct contact with your stomach. A cough escaped you as the shot shook your entire body. The impact sent you over the roofs edge.

Harley peered over, expecting you to once again be splattered onto the pavement below. But instead, she saw you groggily getting up on....stairs?

You got to your feet, using the railing as leverage and trying your best to ignore the pain in your body. Once you made it to your feet, you looked down to see what caught you.

You saw a long and almost maze like set of stairs and platforms below you, with more and sets just like it on either side of the one you were on.

'Ah, the fire escape stairs.....WAIT WHERE ARE MY BLADES?!' you looked further down, and spotted them both a lot farther down the stairs than you would've liked. They didn't break however, and the chances of you getting out of this without a weapon were slim to none. They both stood there without their sheathes, shining in a way you began to think they were mocking you.

A solid, yet metallic thud rang out behind you. You only tutored your head, and could see the outline of Black Manta. Another thud, but this time a little less metallic echoed in front of you. This time you only moved your eyes, and you could see Harley standing in front of you.

Your eyes moved between both of them, while both of their bodies tensed. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, and a cold silence sent chills down all three of your spines. Finally, after having enough of this standing around, you decided to break the silence.

"Boo" both of them charged.

"Boo" the Dark Knight remained unfazed as a familiar feminine voice whispered into his ear. It ticketed slightly, and had a hint of teasing in it yet his stoic face never changed. He ignored the tickling sensation of her breath on his ear and remained silent. A sigh escaped the woman's face as she leaned against the bat-computer.

"Even with magic I could never surprise you"
"You surprised me when you wiped my memory that one time"

Zatanna shook her hand in an up and down manner, seemingly unconcerned with Batman's last comment. Allowing her one of her elbows to lean onto the bat-computer she tilted up her hat slightly, finally showing her face.

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