A Mugging

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'Think, Static, think. There has to be some way I can increase my physical strength, or apply my powers in a way where I'm stronger'

He saw Canary take a breath in and instantly increased his speed.

A second later another Cry burst forward, this time following Static as he flew in a circle around Canary.

Destruction began to engulf the room as pieces of the walls began to fall of, unable to take the pressure exerted by her scream.

However, instead of simply flying in a circle around the Hero, Static was instead flying in a way similar to a swirl.

With each loop and a sonic wave trailing the wall slightly behind him, Static got closer and closer to Canary.

In just a few seconds, he was behind her, palm opened with a mini circle of blue directly in front of it. Yet, through the corner of Canary's vision, she saw him.

Bringing her elbow backwards, it directly connected with the condensed shape of energy, causing sparks of electricity to blurt out in multiple directions, all of which seemed to not affect the Hero in any way.

On impact, Static's entire momentum was halted completely, and he found himself struggling to move forward.

Then she spun her body, attempting a kick directly to his side.
Only, something felt wrong about that kick.

As it got closer and closer, Static could feel that something was off about it.

Although Canary's body has borderline superhuman strength and endurance, the blows from before were somewhat manageable.

Yet he knew if he got hit by that kick this fight would be over.

So instead, Static shifted his body and tucked his knees in, using the other side of his Saucer once more as a shield.

Static felt the kick connect, but there was nothing odd about it. If you count borderline superhuman strength as a normal that is.

Then it happened.

A second after, a shockwave burst forth from the blow and sent Static flying backwards at insanely high speeds.

Still, he managed to gain control of his aerial movement and stop himself before he got sent into the room's wall, panting at the effort it took for him to block that.

"What was that?!"

Static spoke in between breaths, his legs aching at just taking a single strike.

"Something I only use if I'm serious enough, the whiplash is pretty bad, but, I don't really care right now"

"And why are you telling me this that easily?"

"You won't be able to capitalize on it, so I thought it'd discourage you. Guess not"

Thankfully, Static's Saucer was completely fine. After all, it was made out of materials that had names too big for Static to even pronounce.

Although he was thankful that it held, he didn't want to take another hit like that point-blank.

"So why didn't you use it before?"
"In the Museum?" She questioned, but already knew the answer.

"Me and Zatanna had you beat so there was no point. When Y/N came along I thought I could beat him without it, plus depending on how much energy I used I would've been immobilized if you beat Zatanna, which you did, which would've meant we lost anyways"

"Plus, it's pretty obvious I can only use this for one on one fights. I would've used it earlier against a certain someone, but our fight didn't last that long so there was no need. Also, Zatanna would've been blasted away off the roof if I used it back then. But now......"

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