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You twisted your katana so Manta's trident skimmed down it, planting itself into the ground. On the left side of you, you used your swords to block Harleys overhead swing. You felt two hands grab your right wrist with force, and reacted before you could even process what was going on. You flipped backwards at the same time Manta tried to snap your arm, effectively making the move useless and no damage being done to you.

While you flipped, the sudden change in force made Harley stumble to the side, but the second you landed she used that opportunity of you not knowing where she was to swing her bat towards the back of your leg. While that was going on, you elbowed Manta in the side of his helmet. Apparently that part wasn't well protected because a small, noticeable dent could be seen on his helmet as he stumbled back.

A sudden pain in the back of your left leg caused it to give out, making you drop to one knee. You suddenly tilted your head backwards as high as you could.

Harleys bat skimmed past your chin, the wind from the force of it making a slight breeze which in turn made your H/C hair flutter slightly behind you. Pushing your body backwards so that you were almost in a handstand position, you used the momentum to kick Harleys bat before you could complete the handstand. It went flying into air, landing on a higher platform. You pushed your body backwards with your hands, flipping yourself over so that you were back on your feet.


You stared at them. Both were taking deep breaths, almost panting, as they stared at you. You were doing the exact same, never breaking eye contact.

"I thought you guys were going to kill me"
"We are"
"Then why the fuck are you losing in this fight"

This was your plan. Contrasted to your seemingly open display of emotions and thoughts, you were surprisingly a very capable schemer. 'Belittle them' was your first step. 'Make them feel small' was your next. 'Make them feel as if they're facing someone on a completely different level than them' even if it's not true. 'They'll panic, become more predictable' was your thought process.

"Manta, give it"

Harley held out her hand towards the black colour schemed mercenary. Her gaze still on yours as she tapped her foot in annoyance. "Harley Waller said to only use that in emer"-

"And this isn't an emergency situation?"

He continued to stare at the blonde, who in turn continued to stare at you. You were considering booking it, but you were in plain sight. Finally, with another heavy sigh Manta pressed something on the back of his helmet. Suddenly, amiss the many silver decorative's that littered the belt of Mantas suit something came flying out. Grabbing a.....rod? yeah a metal rod mid air, Harley with extreme force whipped it to the ground. As she did this, the rest of the weapon came out and revealed itself. It was a metal bat, with spikes in certain parts of it.

'Harley you kinky little sh'-

"Finally" the bartender let out a sigh of relief as he sat the broom down against the wall bashing the bar. Stretching his body, he wiped the small amount of sweat that he formed off of his forehead. He sat down behind that bar, leaning his back against it and enjoying the peace and quiet. He had been cleaning for HOURS the mess Constantine made, so in his mind he deserved it. "I mean my gifts aren't good for cleaning up things like this"

'Now I can finally close up for the night' just then, a ringing at the door alerted the man that another person had just entered the bar. Suppressing a groan, the bartender prepared them self.

The sound of someone scooting a stool, quickly followed by a ring coming from the bell that lay at the bar, the man knew he couldn't get himself out of this tiring predicament. 'Cmon, you can do this'

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