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Tzuyu Pov
Dahyun unnie and Chaeyoung were trying to talk to me but i'm just ignoring both of them cause i'm still mad about the fact that i can't see my little sister.

Oh come on tzu you can't just ignore us for the rest of the night, Chaeyoung said as i glare at them which made them gulp.

Nevermind we'll just sit here, She said and nervously laugh.

I just want to see y/n why are y'all preventing me to go to her, I said.

We're not preventing you tzu your just not in the condition to do that just yet, Dahyun unnie said which made me frown.

But i'm perfectly fine look i can stand and walk, I said and tried to stand up.

When i did i walked a few steps to prove that i'm perfectly fine as they both quickly came up to me so they could assist me.

Yah see i told you i could stand and walk, i'm not a grandma like jeongyeon unnie, I said as they burst out laugh.

Can't wait to tell that to unnie later, Chaeyoung said which made me glared at her.

Go ahead tell her.. Then i'll also tell her that your the one who broke one of the vases in the living room last week, I said as i crossed my arms smirking and she widen her eyes.

Fine i won't tell just promise me you also won't tell her that, She said as i nodded.

I just remembered that she's savage and we can't mess with her, Chaeng whispered to Dahyun unnie as she laughed.

Now that you've seen me stand up and walk properly, can i please see y/n? I pleaded.

Still a no.. Both of the unnies will get mad and it's pretty scary to see both of them mad especially mina unnie, Dahyun unnie said as i pouted.

Mina unnie won't mind if i see my sister, I said pushing them to take me to y/n.

A no is a no tzu, Unnie said as i whined.

Oh we got a big baby here, Chaeng teased as i frowned and just lay back down.

After awhile they're talking to each other about some things so i decided to grab my phone and airpods to listen to some calming songs.

I closed my eyes when the music started playing and tried to imagine or recall some happy memories.

while i was daydreaming i felt someone tapped me as i opened my eyes to see the two of them pretty worried.

Are you ok? Is there something wrong? Are you hurt or something? The two of them asked me causing me to be confused.

What are you guys talking about? I asked.

Your tearing up, Chaeyoung said as i furrowed my brows.

Eh? I said then when i touch my eyes i felt a liquid substance which i assume my tears.

This is just nothing, I said but they just continued to stand infront of me and i think that they'll be like that until i gave them a reasonable answer.

You can go back to your businesses i swear i'm perfectly fine, I said shooing them away.

Look, If your tearing up because we won't let you see y/n we're very sorry, Dahyun unnie said.

No no unnie it's seriously nothing i just randomly teared up which i didn't even notice... I'm just recalling some memories so i guess that's the reason, I said.

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