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Tzuyu Pov
There's only 4 hours left before christmas and the people around me are smiling, feeling the spirit of christmas, laughing like there's no tomorrow and everything seems to be fine.

But i'm missing someone's smile, i don't feel the spirit of christmas like before, i miss someone's laugh and hoping that she's fine.

Jeongyeon unnie is cracking some jokes while dahyun unnie is doing her weird dance moves again and i'm really impressed by them cause they're trying to make this christmas as happy as possible and forget all the negative thoughts for awhile.

To my surprise i kinda did forget about the negative thoughts and was happy by watching them not until i started to overthink again.

I just went upstairs cause i have a hunch that i'm gonna have a breakdown any minute and thankfully i was already upstairs when tears started falling.

As i was wiping my tears the door swung open and it was chaeyoung who looks so excited about something but when she saw me her smile faded.

Hey are you ok? She asked worriedly as i nodded and gave her a small smile.

Yeah i just watch poor dogs dying that's why, I said and chuckled.

I know you'll cry into those things cause your too soft-hearted but your phone is downstairs? She said looking at me confused.

Come on tell me what's wrong cause i could tell that your lying, She said as she crosses her arms and stood infront of me.

I'm ok, Uhm.. Do you need anything? I asked.

Oh umm.... Jeongyeon unnie said that i should ask you if you wanna join us playinng board games? She asked.

Sure let's go back down, I said and gave her a small smile.

We all just played and we're all laughing when someone lose and the punishment is even worst cause they have to take a shot of tequila without taking any lemon after it.

I wasn't supposed to join but they insisted so i just agreed, Some of us have low alcohol tolerance that's why after an hour half of us are already drunk.

Jeongyeon unnie, and Chaeyoung are already laying on the floor while Dahyun unnie are still crazily dancing in the middle, The four of us aren't that drunk especially me cause i only took one shot of beer.

The Three drunk people were still trying to joke making us laugh and i notice that they're pretty distracted so i quietly sneaked the gifts under the christmas tree when i suddenly remembered it.

After that we tried to give them water to atleast replace the alcohol that they drank from their body to sober up so we could open the gifts and thankfully after that they're kinda back to their senses so we all went under the christmas tree and opened our gift by calling a person infront as we watch her opens her gift.

There's so many presents under the tree and some of them are excited, Mina unnie picked a paper from the bowl that has our names on it and she picks sana unnie who's jumping and smiling when she got called.

Sana unnie got 5 gifts since dahyun and chaeng shared the gift that they gave to her... She first opened the biggest one which is a whole freaking box of yogurt which made us all laugh of how silly that person who gave it to her which is momo unnie and she also got different stuff that the other unnies bought while i just bought her a perfume and she loves it.

Sana unnie then picked another name from the box and it's me so i walk around the tree to find the presents for me and it's quite a lot, I sat down and opened the first small one from mina unnie, I'm so shocked to see a designer brand box with a 10 freaking gift cards worth 100 dollars each and it from my favorite bakery shop with it.

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