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Nayeon Pov
All three of us were following them as they're transferring her to the O.R. when we arrived we quickly asked them to stop first as we all look at her and i quickly held her right hand and give it a soft kiss while jeongyeon gave her a kiss on the crown of her head.

Fight for us baby, I whispered while i'm still leaning on her.

Jihyo was about to go next but i felt her weakly squeezed my hands which made my eyes widened as i look at her.. I then realized that she heard me.

My heart is so happy just by the small act of hers, Jihyo whispered something to her as she kiss her left hand before they took her inside.

After the door closed we all sat down and waited.. I know we'll not do anything for the past hours but it doesn't matter to any of us.

It's just been 30 minutes and the three of us were still sitting and no one dared to move, After awhile i pulled out my phone as i felt it vibrated and it was jennie.

She's asking me where we are and what took us so long.. I just remembered that we haven't told them about the incident cause we're all panicking.

I texted her back instructed both of them to come to the O.R. and within minutes they were panting as they arrived looking exhausted.

What happened?? Jisoo asked panicking.

I quickly calmed them down before telling what had happened which left them both speechless and shocked.

So they're already performing the s-surgery? Jennie asked as i nodded.

We didn't even got a chance to say comforting words for her, Jennie said saddened about it.

Don't worry.. when the surgery finished and she wakes up then tell and show her all the love she deserves, Jihyo said showing a wide smile trying to lift the mood up.

Of course we'll do that.. I still have to buy her many nintendo games so we could spend more times playing, Jisoo said as she crack a small smile just by thinking of it.

While they continued talking i suddenly remembered that jeongyeon is with us so i cleared my throat earning both of their attention.

By the way this is avi or y/n's sister, I said as they widened their eyes before bowing.

Hai... I'm Jeongyeon, She said and bowed.

Hello.. Nice to meet you i'm jisoo and this is my sister jennie, Jisoo said as they both shake their hands.

Her name is y/n? Jennie asked as jeongyeon nodded.

That's so unique just like her, She said as we all giggled.

May i know what she acted like when she's with you? Jeongyeon asked.

She's so nice and clingy... We didn't have a problem taking care of her since she always followed everything we ask her to do, Jihyo said as we all nodded as smiled.

Well that's my sister right there, She said chuckling as we all laughed.

Your family must be lucky to have her, I said as she nodded.

How'd you know? She'd been our ball of sunshine ever since our parents died, She said as sadness were visible from her voice.

Ohh were so sorry to hear that i didn't mean to bring it up, I said.

No it's fine... We've all moved on from the past but what hurts me or us the most is that she might also be taken away from us where we'll never see her again and we'll experience the same pain we've went through when our parents left, She said as she lowered her head and i could tell that she's slowly tearing up.

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