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Mina Pov
I was about to go down when my phone vibrated indicating a message from someone which is my friends so i stayed here for awhile since i got distracted but after 10 mins i heard someone calling our names and we all got out of our room at the same time and rushed downstairs, But as i was going down i felt apprehensive about something.

When we all got down we saw Y/n sitting on the ground holding her chest and her face have some rashes while her neck is turning red.

We panickly approached her and didn't know what to do but i've got an hunch about what might be happening to her but that's impossible.

Y/N WHAT HAPPEND?? Jeongyeon unnie asked freaking out.

I don't know unnie, Y/n said in a husky voice.

Unnie let's take her to the hospital, i said and jeongyeon unnie just nod as we supported Y/n going in the car since she's couldn't even stand up.

While were in the car me and tzuyu are beside Y/n at the back seat trying to calm her down while jeongyeon unnie is driving.

Y/n what really happend? Tzuyu asked.

I don't know unnie i was just at garden but the next thing i know is that my whole face is itching,
Y/n said and theres tears forming in her eyes but then after a minute she bursted in tears.

Un~ Y/n didn't got to finish her sentence when she started catching her breath and all of us got alarmed since she didn't even move an inch but now she's trying to breathe.

Y/N ARE YOU OK? I worriedly asked.

Un-nie i can..t breath properly, She said which made our eyes widened since were all so anxious about her.

Don't worry Y/n were nearly there just hang on a little, I said trying to calm her even though my heart is beating so fast and it feels like it's gonna burst out of my chest soon.

After that the car started going faster and i can feel that unnie is really trying her best to get there as soon as possible and keeping us safe at the same time. 
Tzuyu is still in shockness while her hands are trembling while holding onto Y/n.

We finally arrived at the hospital after 8 mins and we rushed her to the E.R. the doctors said that we should just wait in the waiting area.

The hallway is filled with silence since no one dared to talk cause of what happend to Y/n not until i heard someone sobbing, unnie and i both look around and saw tzuyu covering her face while crying.

Hey don't worry about her she'll be fine, Jeongyeon unnie said to her and i just nod too.

I'm so frightened unnies... i've never seen her so scared like that before, Tzuyu said.

She's fine now tzuyu-ah she's just shock about it, I said and patted her back and unnie did the same to comfort her.

Unnie don't you think her allergy is back again? I asked jeongyeon unnie which made them widened their eyes.

I don't know but it looks like it, let's just wait for the doctor. Unnie said and i just nod.

After a few minutes a doctor came up to us.

Hey are you related to Y/n? The doctor asked.

Yes we're her sisters, Unnie answered.

Y/n is fine now and thankfully you brought her in time before things get even worse, The doctor said which made us sigh in relief.

What happend to her doc? I asked.

Oh she had an allergic reaction which triggered her asthma, The doctor said which shocked us again.

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