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Y/n Pov
After we watched the movie i walked out the theater tearing up cause of how beautiful the movie was.. While luna was distancing herself from me acting like she didn't know me cause i'll be embarrassed too if i were her.

We then ride the go-karts as planned and after that we bought some corndogs and milktea, we still have 30 mins left before we go to the party and were thinking where to go, We decided to go to a local park near the mall to spent the rest of the day there.

There was a bike rental outside the park so we rented two bikes, We roam around the park for 10 mins and after that we sat at the bench then talk for awhile.

While were both talking someone texted me and it's jeongyeon unnie who sent the location, it's 20 mins away so i checked the time it's already 6:10 so we returned the bike and went there.

We arrived outside a house with 6-8 cars outside and i saw my unnies car so we went in, were 30 mins late but atleast we made it.

There's 30-40 people which suprised me cause i thought this is just a small party but i recognized some of them, I saw sana and momo unnie, so i came up to them and to my suprised they hugged me when they saw me.

Unnies how have you been? I asked since it's been a month or two since i saw them.

We've been doing great, How about you? Momo unnie asked.

I'm fine too, by the way have you seen any of my unnies? I asked.

Oh yeah tzuyu is right over there, Sana unnie pointed at a table and i saw her talking to elkie and shuhua unnie.

Thank you unnie, i'll see you later, I said.

Ok see you and be careful ok? Momo unnie said and i nod, it's kinda crowded that's why unnie said that.

When i came up to tzuyu unnie she asked why i'm late so i told her the reason and told that i'm with luna who's behind me.

Hello y/n it's been months since i last saw you, Shuhua unnie said.

Yeah unnie i didn't see you two cause your both pretty busy, I said then pout and they just giggled i also heard luna at the back.

What about we'll hangout next saturday? Elkie unnie said which lit my face up.

Sure unnie if your free since you might have a packed schedule, I said.

I'm free next saturday, what about you? Elkie unnie asked shuhua unnie.

I'm free too so it's a yes? Shuhua unnie asked me and i nodded.

I still have Y/n number so i'll just text you, ok? Elkie unnie said.

Ok unnie but what about you shuhua unnie do you have my number? I asked.

I don't have it, She said.

I'm just gonna give it to you later, Elkie unnie added.

Why does it seems like i'm a stranger here? Tzuyu unnie said which made us laugh.

Sorry unnie but they're my unnies too you know? I said while elkie and shuhua unnie giggled.

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